Download free picasa for ipad 2
Read more. How to use Google Drive cloud storage in a desktop web browser This service's web app has a lot of utility, if you know where to look. Spotify competitor YouTube Music finally comes to Android Auto Now you have easier hands-free control of Google's music streaming service. User Reviews. Reviews Current version All versions. Sort Date Most helpful Positive rating Negative rating.
Results 1—10 of 66 1 2 Pros I did not let it run long enough to find out. Cons Takes over everything. Made a real mess and no options to control or put it on a leash Summary If you like an anal exam with a rubber glove and no grease then this bag of trouble is for you: Reply to this review Was this review helpful? Pros None at all Cons Picasa have savagely restricted the ability to share or upload, rendering their app useless.
Summary Picasa have removed abilities to share, rendering their app useless. Pros -I love Picasa for PC, but this mac version is a complete disaster. Cons -Cannot import my pictures from iPhone crashes all the time , -HUGE problems to log in on picasa webalbums, -crashes all the time. Pros Map functionality for this 1 star. Thats about it. Cons The face recognition is lousy at best ; the GUI is terrible; the way the program scans my mobile devices that are connected to the computer without letting me controlling that.
Pros nothing good about app Cons Picasa Downloaded everything on my computer even my beta testing bugs.. Summary Dont download this app unless u are going to use it for pics only. Pros Nice user interface Cons Would like to work directly from a drive rather than having to import like thumbsplus Summary Nice product for what it is: Pros zzzzzzzzzzzzzz Cons zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Summary zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Reply to this review Was this review helpful?
Pros Has all requirements of a good photo management program. Cons Cannot key copy photo to paste elsewhere. Please Wait.
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Add Your Review. You are logged in as. Please submit your review for Picasa. Thank You for Submitting Your Review,! Note that your submission may not appear immediately on our site. Update Your Review. Since you've already submitted a review for this product, this submission will be added as an update to your original review. Submit Your Reply. Thank You for Submitting a Reply,! App Store Preview. This app is only available on the App Store for iOS devices. Screenshots iPhone iPad. After the update, your existing passcode will be removed and you need to re-enable your passcode - Add a larger thumbnail size option - General bug fixes and improvements.
Mar 27, Version 4. Information Seller Yunhe Shi. Size Compatibility Requires iOS 9.
Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Price Free. Family Sharing With Family Sharing set up, up to six family members can use this app. I'm with you! I have Picasa on my computer that needs to be replaced and I'm afraid to get a new computer because I don't want to lose my Picasa!
How do I make a backup copy to put on my new computer? Anyone, anyone?? Thats the reason I keep the installation files around. Yeah, that's probably a good habit to get into. It just seems so superfluous when you download an app that everyone loves and wants to keep around. I loved Picasa and have used it for many years. Can anyone suggest a program, free or otherwise that will use the Picasa captions I spent countless hours putting on my travel pictures.
I also want a slideshow feature which will use the captions I created? Any help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
If I remember correctly, Lightroom will import captions. It's disheartening when longtime software such as Picasa fades into the sunset, just when we've built our computer photo-shopping around them. Switching to Google Photos is not that intuitive but I guess we'll figure it out. We will keep on using Picasa in our home-based computers and try Google Photos in our new laptop. Beats running to the drug store for photo development just a few years ago! I downloaded Picasa 3 to my new laptop with Windows 10 which I Hate and it has brought with it most of my folders that I had on my previous Windows7 laptop.
I love Picasa and will keep trying to use it as I am having no luck at all with this new stuff. Picasa is dead! If you continue to use it, it will eventually die because of some little bug that invades your computer. Google photo is a complete joke. It has no capabilities or useable features. It doesn't interface well with anything.
Apparantly it was an attempt to emulate the Apple photo software that you get with an iPhone or iPad because that is all it does. Apparently there is nothing iavailable that will include all the features found on Picasa. My Picasa is dead and can not be resurrected because the only way to do so is download it again and it is not available anywhere. I had thousands of photos saved on it in my hard drive that are now gone. I make photos with my Canon camera only and do not want to store them on someone else's server somewhere.
That only opens up additional loss probabilities. Thankfully I have kept all my SD cards since digital photography began and can reload them onto another program if and when one is invented. Surely there is some young person who is capable of writing it and is not afraid to challenge the well healed organizations.
There are a lot of people out there that would pay well for the right to install the software on their Windows computers and keep their photos safe on their own machines. But I've never been so fond of iPhoto as the library is so large and unmanageable - it's a database afterall. So now I hope the new beta is doing the job. And maybe it can set me free from iPhoto or the even worse Photo heir! ACDsee first look: It's fast!! Not like iPhotos feet-dragging performance It can manage albums and pictures.
It can edit - lot's of settings to every picture. White balance, Light eq, color and tone curves, It has batch edit - change settings to many pics in same process - eg. It works with local libraries, but I have my system library coubled with iCloud. But there must be a way Sounds like it might be a great option, though!
Thanks for the tip. Photo-managing tools are there with comparable features. But the easy photo-editing features that were available on Picasa were matchless. I mostly used the single feature: I was always impressed by the way the photos were clearer and better and with a single click. I don't want to spend any more time and effort on a photo. Hence that feature is matchless.
Pixelmator, which I use, has a similar function to I'm Feeling Lucky, and it tends to work pretty well! I recommend giving it a shot. I think though ot wasn't so much the simplicity of the editing as the ease of filing This may take some time. If you want to move Picasa to a new computer, the directory letters and structure must be identical, otherwise Picasa will lose links to the pictures.
More detailed instructions are on the web. The only app which I find comes close to Picasa for organisation of photos comes with Synology back-up drives DS photo. This seems to recognise all the data in the jpg file faces, tags, location. I'm not too sure how good it is on face recognition.
Thanks for the tip! I hadn't heard that one yet; it's very useful, and it's something a lot of people are asking about. I hadn't heard of DS Photo, either. Might have to look into that. How is it for anything else other than the facial data? I, like so many others, am devastated at what Google has done to Picasa.
I wish the people that developed Picasa would do it again. I would be very happy to pay for it, and because of that they would be very happy. I used the people tag, I loved that Picasa kept folders in Year and date order, and I made movies. Now what program can do all that and you don't have to be a computer engineer to use the program? And let's top it off. I am going to have a new computer tomorrow, as my hard drive was crashing. Very thankful for Mozy backups but is there any way I can download Picasa into this new computer so I can continue to use it until it really dies?
Thank you so very much. I am so sad. Getting Picasa onto the computer might work, though I think your chances will be better if you have a Mac. I'm not sure; you'll just have to try to transfer it over or download it from your backup. It's certainly worth a shot!
And as far as I understood, Lightroom is the best option for getting those features back. I'm not sure how many of them are shared, but it's been getting a lot of very positive reviews in the comments. Since the announcement until now Feb , I've been waiting for that perfect alternative since it seems you and I use them in much the same way Can't they leave well enough alone!?
Still waiting Hi I loved using picasa but no longer avaible so now I am trying to find something close.. I can find a lot of thing close but I am looking for the part the change ur photo to black and white then add a flower in color.. I find with the brush it makes such a over spread any help thanks. Well, if you want to do that in the best-looking way possible, you'll probably want to use something more powerful like GIMP or Pixelmator. That gives you a lot more control on colorizing. As for doing it quickly, though, I'm not sure.
Lightroom is supposed to be really good, and it likely has a similar feature. That would be my first recommendation. I love picassa and will stick with it as long as I can import my photos into it. Does anyone know why they retired Picassa? I would be willing to pay for it if they kept it. It seems like Google got rid of it to encourage more people to use Google Photos, which keeps people online and going back to a Google-branded product. I'm sure they benefit somehow from having access to those millions of pictures as well.
Many people have said the same thing, that they'd be happy to pay for it, but no such luck. Can pictures from picasa still be accessed? I got a new computer and am having a hard time finding them. That depends. If you got a new computer, you probably don't have Picasa on it, so I'm not sure if your edits will have been saved. But the files are definitely still there if you transferred them over.
I love Picasa, have used it for years and have thousands of images in date order. I am no good at IT and dread trying to move these photos to another program. I have a mac and think I will have to move to iPhoto for ease but cannot work out how to get it to index in the way Picasa does with an index running down the left column. I also need the import feature to excluded duplicates. Any ideas? You can use Duplicate File Finder, a free app on the Mac App Store, to clean up duplicates; it won't help you in the import process, but you can run it right after you import photos to get them cleaned up.
As for setting up iPhoto to look the same way, I'm not sure if that's possible. Same here! I love Picasa and would pay decently for it-having a hard time accepting that I will not be able to use it at some point! I know; the situation really sucks. I'd be happy to pay for it too, and you'd think that would be a pretty strong motivator to keep it around. Evidently Google finds more value in storing people's photos on its servers. When something is working perfectly that is the time to get rid of it.
I am disgusted at losing Picasa. I am not that confident but I managed very well with what Picasa had to offer. I am now totally at a loss. Very angry and frustrated. Is there any that imports videos? I tried something that I can't remember but it only imported pictures from my camera and not the videos, mostly MOV files. Picasa does and even plays them in the organizer. Also, does any come with the photo viewer like Picasa? Being able to traverse a folder of pictures easily without opening a photo organizer.
Do any of these programs have facial recognition. That's my main love of Picasa. If I want to find pictures of this person or that I can just click the facial recognition profile and find a slew of photos for that particular person. I haven't actually tested any of them, so I'm not sure if they're as good as Picasa in this area, but that list should give you a place to start! One more replacement for Picasa - Phototheca http: What an irony - this app can share selected photos and albums to Google Photos but Google Uploader can't.
There are many other viewing and sorting features inside. I master a lot of the commands for my own editing style now its gone!!!! I wish I knew it was coming cause my picks were not all downloaded as saved edits only on my picasa roster as edited and now those are gone- only what I saved back to my computer as edited is left edited I'm not sure that you can get those back; especially if Picasa won't load. That's strange, though—the app itself should still be working.
Yeah, Picasa was the best thing that I've used for photo editing and management. That's why I'm encouraging people to continue using it as long as possible. I haven't tried too many alternatives yet, but nothing seems to come close. Except maybe Lightroom. But if you value your photos and videos made with a teal camera, get them copie not an SD card pronto.
Picasa WILL leave you highland dry when you least expect it. I will stick with Picasa as long as I possibly can. Not one of the above alternatives is even close to the quality and friendliness of Picasa. I am hoping Google will allow those of us who have been using it for all these years to keep it, regardless. Too bad. As long as you can still run it, it's pretty much the best option that there is. I'm not sure how many options there are for people who want to download it for the first time, but because most people have it already, it's not going to be a big deal until modern OSes stop supporting it.
There is actually no alternative to Picasa for mac. I am not sure why many "reviewers" compare the locally installable standalone software with online backup solutions. Software that: Organizes local photos into albums 2. Capable of touching up and correcting photos locally 3. Capable of backing up the entire library 4. Capable of uploading to multiple 3rd party cloud services 5.
Capable of viewing sorting and editing Videos. I haven't used Lightroom, so I don't know if it meets all of those requirements. Have you looked into that? Lightroom has a lot of function but its performance is really bad compared to Picasa. Even just browsing though your photos is many times slower than Picasa. I gave up on it years ago. I hadn't heard that! Thanks for sharing your experience.
I'll have to keep that in mind when I'm recommending things. I hate depending on an internet connection to be able to see my photos.
Top 3 Picasa Alternatives
I also like the amount of editing options Picasa offers. Not to much, not too little. I like the fact that I could post directly to Facebook from Picasa or email the pictures. I am hoping that some enterprising person will take over Picasa or make something very similar for people who like to keep their photo files on their computer or an external drive. Yeah, I'd love to see a similar client released for those same reasons. Keeping some photos online is fine, but being able to easily manage everything from my hard drive is definitely preferable!
I have no interest in a cloud solution.
Focusing on Photos
I store all photos on multiple hard drives for redundancy, and just use Picasa to organize the pictures and generate slide shows. But if I am correct, when one needs to upgrade their laptop, then that is the end of Picasa for them. Is this correct? It depends on the level of the update. With most updates, apps will continue working. If you upgrade to a completely different version of an OS, you might have trouble, though because people are so committed to keeping Picasa around, you might also be able to find a good workaround with some searching.
Well this night went sideways This is unbelievable!! So when this computer goes, that's it, no more Picasa! Livid now!! I agree!! I just bought a new computer and am so disappointed that I can't have Picassa now! None of these options even compare, unless you want to pay for them. Why Google I will definitely stick with Picasa as long as I possibly can. I have many thousands of pictures there in years worth of albums and folders.
I would PAY to keep it! It worked so well!!!! If I ever loose all my albums, I will cancel Google from my life in every way and never use them again. What are they thinking? I have used Picasa for at least 10 years. I am at a loss that it is being phased out and I really don't like the editing component on Google. I went on line to find another editing program and ended up on MUD, which gave me great information on other programs to edit my pictures. I love taking pictures and frequently make books on Shutterfly, upload to Facebook and share with friends.
I take most of my pictures on a Nikon P40 or a Sony both really good cameras. If anyone has any suggestions about their experiences using other programs, other then Picasa, which I love, please let me know. Usually, I crop, enhance the colors and remove the red eye on my photos. That's how basic I want my next photo program to be.
Google photos does not recognize the date the picture was taken. It does not seem to read metadata. It only knows the date the picture was uploaded. Makes it very difficult to use. You need to click on the info button to see the date and time. My husband always forgets to reset the clock in his camera when we travel between time zones.
It was so easy to fix this with Picasa. I think Flickr has the syncing hard drive and cloud option, but I believe it's for premium members only. You could use Dropbox to sync stuff, but that's not great for photos. The other option is doing everything in the cloud, but there are a number of reasons why that might not be an appealing idea! I put the "Pictures" folder and all sub-folders managed by Picasa, etc. On some devices, I sync only recent or selected folders. And, of course, I can get at any photo anywhere with a browser. DropBox also uses your LAN where available, and it's quite fascinating to see photos appear almost instantaneously on my PC as my wife uploads her photos to her PC.
And DropBox works well on my iPad -- I get thumbnails of any folder I open in a few seconds, and very fast access to any individual photo I select. Meanwhile, I did find a download of Picasa for my new laptop But the moral of all this is simple. Google abandoned "do no evil" long ago they even used Google Alerts to distribute links to stolen documents on WikiLeaks. Remember, at Google YOU are the product and the company's only interest is to monetize everything it can discover about you. Act, and use any Google services and apps only in so far as you are comfortable with this.
And do not expect your convenience to be a factor in whether any Google product continues to function. Sounds like Dropbox is working well for you! I'm thinking I might have to switch to that soon, as my external hard drive just isn't as convenient as using a cloud service. This decision sucks! Thanks again for your suggestion. I tried over and over again and was successful in one case with someone without a Google account. I hope to send more albums which my friends can open without problems. Thanks, Dann Albright, for your support.
I tried to make a new album with Google Photo's. No problem so far but my friends seem to need a Google account to open the album and not all of them are willing to.

The information I found said that 'anyone' can open the album Anything I did wrong? Not having used Google Photos much, I'm not sure. It wouldn't surprise me if you need a Google account to view an album, though. A huge number of people have them, so for a lot of people it wouldn't be an issue. Picasa was part of my life and every picture I took was quickly imported. Now when I try to import it just freezes on me program not responding.
How did they do that to me? I have Photoshop elements and that ought to be my next choice but the first step has eluded me for well over a year now. Many years ago I was busy using ACDsee and liked it a lot. Given a few more dollars income I may have stuck with it. I also pay Google and Amazon to store picture for me. Amazon would not help me remove unwanted files, so I moved from the free Prime tool to a pay service. Not too happy about that trick.
But I do so much with Picasa and have no idea at all how to move on. Not at my age and situation. This is a really serious blow to me. I still think it's a shame that Picasa has to disappear. I find iPhoto and Google Photo disappointing. My comfort is Photoshop Elements though I miss a few features of Picasa. I agree—really disappointed that Google decided to get rid of it. Glad you found something that's at least a decent replacement, though! PIcasa has been a great software since launched by Google years ago and I have been depending on it for downloading my photos from iPhone straight to a Windows-based computer with the ease of naming folders and files.
Besides, Google Photo has a "issue" of organizing photos based on events which might not be accurate and will requires manually sorting and opening of new folders. In that case, more time is wasted just trying to sort these photos out. In fact, I would appreciate if someone in the market to purchase Picasa as a software and redevelop it for further enhancement then just changing a new platform. Yeah, I've been interested in Google's Photos' automatic organization of photos.
It's not a terrible idea, but there's no guarantee that it's going to organize things the way you want. I'm sure a lot of people would love it if someone else bought Picasa, but I sincerely doubt that it'll be up for sale. Which is really too bad—it's a great app. Well, I think if the price is right, it could still be an possibility to it. One of the things is that once the library gets larger, it becomes uncontrollable Perhaps Apple should do it, I feel that Picasa is still much better than Photos. That'd be awesome if Apple bought it; Photos is pretty lackluster. I like their mobile photo apps, but the Mac one just isn't that great.
But I get the feeling that Google would sell Picasa to pretty much anyone before they'd sell it to Apple. I like the idea of somebody buying it, but not Apple. Many of us use PCs and there is now way Apple would help us! OnOne Photo Suite is a good option. It's Photo browsing is second to none and lighting fast. It's photo editing ability is equal to Photoshop and easier to use. I have both and prefer OnOne. But if you get on their mailing list they will occasionally send you a deal where you can purchase it for less or get a BOGO.
Can you tell me if they have the collage option like Picasa did? I used the collages very frequently and can not seem to find one like it. As far as I can tell, On1 doesn't have the ability to automatically create collages; you'd have to do it manually. Whose to say Google won't snatch the rug out from under our feet by declaring Photos obsolete in a couple of years, changing or eliminating our favorite features or deciding some of it's now fee-based?
Worse, they'll do it again in a heartbeat whenever the whim takes them, tossing a virtual mid-finger to those who disagree with them. And, yippee, it was free! Was it as good as Photoshop? Pro photographers who had the need - and time - to endlessly play with their pics needed more, but the rest of us were perfectly happy.
Another complaint about GMail is they still have only their unbelievably primitive format which gives users the choice between plain text and, if one wants to spend [a lot of] time, a hugely limited HTML version of the plain text. Thanks to Google dumping Picasa I spent a helluva lot of my valuable time this past Spring moving vast amounts of pics 'n vids to other Cloud-based storage, a bright, shiny new 3TB Toshiba storage drive and, of course, to DVD.
I think you're right to be nervous about Google getting rid of Photos after a couple years. Picasa was hugely popular, and it just doesn't make sense that they'd shut it down. It might be useful for sharing some things, but housing all of your photos with Google definitely doesn't seem like a good idea. Spot on review. The only thing that works simple with Google is their browser.
Youtube has become a joke and they are worse than facebook when it comes to spinning the average user around in circles. PS - their interfaces suck big time. That's true; why is Chrome so awesome when everything else causes such difficulties? We should demand that the Chrome team develops Google's next product. For saving me from having that exact same rant just now I like Google photos, because everything I had in Picasa is already there and all the photos I take with my camera or phone all go straight there for free cloud storage.
But only problem is I now have to search through 23, photos to find a particular one because I don't have the tagged people anymore.
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Yeah, the instant transfer is definitely nice, and will save a lot of people effort, as long as you're fine with Google having all of your photos on their servers. Not having the tags is rough, though. I have over GB of photos on Picasa, with odd different people identified. These are family photos dating back to the s. I would hate to have to re-create the individual identities! It looks as if the face ID connecting to the person in a photo is unique to Picasa. Can anyone verify this? Any helpful suggestions would be gratefully received.
If you come up with any other strategies, though, be sure to post them here so other people can take advantage! I also liked that it was an actual program for the computer. Do they even have anything comparable to that, instead of everything online? Depends on who you mean by "they. If you mean someone else, well, that's what this article was about!
Check out the recommendations above! Try out PicMonkey.