Football manager 2012 app ipad
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Football Manager Handheld iOS. Sega Release Date: Dec 13, User Score.
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Log in to finish rating Football Manager Handheld Football Manager Handheld Share this? Football Manager Handheld puts you in the hot-seat and allows you to put your managerial skills to the test wherever, whenever and however you want. Take the hot-seat at any club from a choice of leagues in 14 countries, and assume full control of transfers, training, tactics and Football Manager Handheld puts you in the hot-seat and allows you to put your managerial skills to the test wherever, whenever and however you want.
Review: Football Manager Handheld 2012 for iPad
Take the hot-seat at any club from a choice of leagues in 14 countries, and assume full control of transfers, training, tactics and managing your team live during match days as you strive for glory and silverware. Sports Interactive Genre s: Critic Reviews. Score distribution:. Games Master UK. All this publication's reviews. Pocket Gamer UK.
With some essential new features, the best football management sim on mobile just got even better. All this publication's reviews Read full review.
Set your expectations for the club, manage your transfer and wage budgets and make board requests in your quest for success. Plus; listen to your favourite music while your manage your team! Developed by Sports Interactive Limited. SEGA is registered in the U.
Exciting soccer manager game
Patent and Trademark Office. All rights reserved. All other company names, brand names and logos are property of their respective owners. Build your squad buy, sell and loan players for your squad of up to 36 players, trying to keep them all happy and performing at the top of their game.
- Football Manager Review: PC vs. Handheld •
- Essential Links.
- Football Manager Handheld for iPhone/iPad Reviews - Metacritic.
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A real football world Buy and sell over 20, real world stars from the legendary Football Manager database, fully up-to-date with the dealings from the January transfer window. Get the most from your backroom staff get the opinion of your assistant manager on the state of your squad and his suggested improvements, and ask coaches and scouts for reports on players in your squad or future transfer targets. Keep the board happy Set your expectations for the club, manage your transfer and wage budgets and make board requests in your quest for success.
Handle the media experience the pressure of the press as they quiz you about transfer rumours, and potential job offers.