Red light flashing on blackberry curve but no message
It does eventually stop on its own, its just annoying. Do you use BBM? If you have a conversation open and don't completely close out the app it will continue to flash. Originally Posted by TheSultan.
Originally Posted by seipmoney. I had this problem with. I've solved TWO issues that were making me crazy, just by reading your replies on here. In the flashing red issue, it WAS a "conversation" on the BB messenger that i hadn't responded to, that was causing the continuous red flash. Once i made my response in that conversation the message came in hours before, but there was NO indication on the BB Messenger icon, annoyingly enough , the flashing red finally went AWAY.
That red light is the most wonderful sight when you actually have a messgae but I agree that its soooooo annoying when you don't! Mine flashes constantly once I log into web messenger and continues to flash whether I receive messages or not. The only way to stop it is to log out of web messenger. Originally Posted by axel John Yester Retired Superstar. Works every time for me Originally Posted by sheena. Hi all, This same issue was bugging me for the longest time too As soon as I read those the light stopped flashing. It might be the coverage indicator too right? Or is that a green light?
Originally Posted by enmitix. Another cause is if you are running UberTwitter. The red light blinks for new tweets. My Bold has started reading my SMS messages aloud. It's very irritating, especially if I'm sitting in a meeting! I know I must have changed a parameter by mistake, I can't find this function in the menus to turn it off.
To clarify, when you receive a new text message he read your text message, to the right! KB : How to view or delete the application installed on a blackberry smartphone.
Knowledge Base
BlackBerry Smartphones not get notifications by e-mail on the external screen. I don't know what caused it, exactly, but I do not receive the e-mail notifications on the screen of my Blackberry Pearl Only, it's happened for the last day or two.
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I checked and external notifications are always enabled in the options and he responds always with any other put in my profile vibrating and the led , but the screen won't turn on even when a new message arrives. Any ideas what could be causing this, or what I could do to fix it? If you remove the battery and reinsert external screen should start to work. It allows to update the phone software you can download from your service providers web site. It is not in the official specification.
It's the only thing that holds back me a purchase. Sorry llivingstone. As far as I understand BlackBerrys intended to ensure the safety of the box, I think that DTEK and device encryption affects performance and therefore has a negative impact on customers and the user experience and lead to lower sales and higher return rates.
Blackberry Curve Crossed Battery Icon Fix: 9 Steps
Thanks for your post Rotkaeqpchen! That being said I capture your request and will share in your name with our train produced for later review. That being the case I'll mark my answer as the solution. To anyone else reading this post which is in agreement with this idea please like Rotkaeqpchen and my post so I can understand the interest. Thank you! Get a Notification star Orange in my Bold It has no mail which are unread. Solution please. Great great great! This works. I found this Notification. My BlackBerry is connected via bluetooth to my car hands free kit blue LED flashes constantly which is a bit annoying during the day it is mounted in a Windows support mounted in my line of sight , but at night, it's just too much.
What I can't work is how to disable the blue LED.

I hope someone can help me otherwise that looks like some black ribbon will be glued on it and I don't want to do that. Press the Menu key, and select Options. Set the connection seeing on Off option.
11 Answers
Note: I heard that the setting of this option off can sometimes cause Bluetooth connection problems. So, if your connection has problems after disabling this then try put back on. BlackBerry Smartphones Curve Notification bar. I am new to the blackberry world! I just had the Curve and used to have a notification under the date and time bar. It displays notifications text, bbm, email, facebook, etc.
How to re - add this bar. It's a pain having to go through all the menus to see where are the notification and by changing the volume etc Will you do a reboot on the BlackBerry this way simple: with smart BlackBerry powered phone, remove the battery for a minute and then reinsert the battery to restart. A reboot in this manner is prescribed for most defects and errors of operating system, and you will lose any data on the device doing so. If it remains the same with this missing notification bar, could you please post a screenshot here?
Good evening I have a torch Blackberry, he walked very sure when I closed it as the screen went out, but I had to press the button to unbolt to disfigure to switch on the appliance again. I don't think that it follows from the battery. When I click on it What did was screw up my laptop and this small envelope is still there. It's like a cockroach its survives evrything. I don't even use Messenger BB or by e-mail. I have a gmail account. If you have a new icon rogue Message on your home screen, or a negative number -1 , one of these solutions could erase or reset:.
Try these options: The main Messages folder and select today's date, click on the menu button and then select Mark prior opened. On the right pane is the list of the data on your device. This will clear your system of all messages. Is blackBerry smartphones can set notifications for peep up to acknowledge. On a blackberry y at - there a way to set an audio notification of an e-mail message received to be similar to a pager - the audio guys to internals until he message is recognized.
If this isn't a feature installed on the blackberry. You know any software that can be installed to allow this to happen? Display driver update is not possible on Satellite L Hi all I have the card view "mobile intel express chipset family" with the version of the driver 7. Site Web de Toshiba only gives me this driver - no updates so far! On the site of intel, I found a ne.
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No activity on Satellite L When he gave me there was some light activity. When the power button was pressed used Orange light should Flash on and then go off again an. Reflection on the update since the last Mavericks - OS Will I have pr. Hello everyone. I have format my computer windows laptop 10 Hp afAU. After the computer reboots, it was installing windows when my battery went dead. Scattergraoh stops after a while.
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