Xcode 5 ios 6.1 simulator download
Again we need to download simulators for that Xcode? In 2nd image below we can see location for documentation but in 1st image selecting simulator doesn't show any location of installation. Now there is Xcode 5 available.

In XCode5 the simulators are downloaded in a temporary folder download-and-install-cache-dstroot :. And I bet the simulator is linked to the compiler in a way that you need a new iOS6 simulator even if you had one for XCode 4. Although the downloaded file is a DMG, I still don't know how to copy from one machine to another to prevent downloading.
Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Asked 7 years ago. Active 5 years, 1 month ago. Viewed 2k times. Any idea? Janak Nirmal. Janak Nirmal Janak Nirmal 88 9 9 bronze badges. Sign in.
Xcode 10.2 on High Sierra – Step by Step
Get started. London App Brewery Follow. London App Brewery Join the best app development bootcamp in the world and learn app programming, design and marketing; from beginning to end. We teach entrepreneurs how to make apps from beginning to end. Join the best app development bootcamp in the world and learn app programming, design and marketing; from beginning to end. Write the first response. Discover Medium. The symlink method also does not help.
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I followed the steps above and was unable to resolve the problem. Finally, I deleted Xcode 8. This seemed to do the trick. I'm back up and running now. I've followed mamnum step but still getting same error :. Then I re-installed Xcode 8. Thanks for the help guys, this was driving me crazy today. Singletons' in plug-in 'com. I imagine re-installing it will resolve that but also make this problem return.
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Thank you twobitlabs! I've followed you steps and succeed to run Xcode 8. I've removed Xcode 9 for now. Too much trouble I also can't get the Xcode 9 beta to work again after doing all these steps. Re-installing does not help. Have any of you fixed that as well?
Anyone able to get Xcode 9 to run again? How did the framework get there in the first place? I uninstalled all Xcode versions and re-installed them but to no avail.
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Same problem. After running Xcode 9 for a bit, project fails to compile under Xcode 8. Can anyone explain what the actual problem is here? I suspect Xcode 9 modified some shared state with Xcode 8 set a path, overwrote a file, etc. But I've tried deleting and reinstalling to no avail. Those of you with cdtool errors in Xcode 8, I suspect you installed the iOS It was discovered this week that this causes a problem with cdtool in Xcode 8. You can work around that by moving iOS Those of you that deleted CoreSimulator. Excellent job on Xcode 9!
MattNewberry Hm, works fine for me even now with new version 8. Please see note from jeremyhu. Application was perfectly fit and running on simulator when I had sdk 8. I was using xcode 6. I have updated with XCode 8. When I run the application on simulator it is not fit correctly on view. There is a right side space, it looks like not align properly in right margin. Thank you very much jeremyhu! Took mendaparadarshit 's file , placed the Restarted XCode, reconnected the device, was able to run on device. Thanks mendaparadarshit!
I've just done the same renaming trick as nicnilov above, using the same Xcode 8. I can complete the Build process successfully now This worked perfect. I have a late 09 Mini and a 5S, and i followed the steps made sure to reboot both devices just to be safe and it went smooth like butter, Thanks very much from a broke ninja.
I have the latest Xcode 9. I'm in need of a Any help would be much appreciated! You guys are amazing! Thank you soooooo very much.
- How to do this?
- Is it possible to install iOS 6 SDK on Xcode 5? - Stack Overflow?
- Using iOS devices with Xcode (instead of Xcode ) (also, Xcode ) · GitHub;
I new that I new that I did not want to update my phone to Thanks guys, and very special thanks to mendaparadarshit. Thanks Mendaparadarshit. Is there a directory online that contains zips of iOS supporting files? It'd just be a lot easier to download the zip and add it to the DeviceSupport folder in Xcode rather than downloading Xcode beta every time there's an update. This iPad Air 2 is running iOS Worked for me, but I had to attach the iPhone with cable on my Mac before opening Xcode.
Getting Started in Simulator
After opened Xcode I saw the message "preparing debugger support for iPhone I just got it to work with Xcode I can build on Xcode It now works:. Maybe I managed to accidentally flip a switch in Xcode by using Xcode Note also that I always connect my devices with a Lightning cable. I don't think I've ever turned on the WiFi debugging. Is this working with Xcode Does not work when I tried either with symlink or copying the Hi guys, this way does not work anymore when I update to iOS Anyone got the same issue and figured out the solution yet?
I'm keen to know. You just need to create another link to the same Xcode-beta device support directory, manually calling it For some reason this does not work for me. Works for me. I have my iPad connected with a cable. I also quit and restarted Xcode Here's how my Note that I'm creating the Xcode Thanks, this works with the release Xcode 11 as well.