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There may be a legitimate diversity of opinion even among Catholics about waging war and applying the death penalty, but not however with regard to abortion and euthanasia. He was also Pope Benedict, one year later. Notably, both John Paul II and Benedict wanted use of the death penalty to stop on prudential grounds, but, as Ratzinger indicates, disagreement among Catholics about whether the death penalty is prudent in the here and now is fine. Not least when there are better cudgels to hit Republican Catholics over the head with, like supporting family separation at the border as a deterrence mechanism.
I noticed all the folks disagreeing with Father Martin, yeah; for instance, Abby Johnson, the Planned Parenthood director turned pro-life advocate, was dragging him. It looked like few were having a meaningful conversation, just sniping at each other. The tweet you quote is also wrong, but the confusion is more understandable. Last year, Pope Francis ordered the Catechism of the Catholic Church changed in a way that made it sound as if the death penalty were always wrong. A good summary of how the change is best interpreted is here.
The author, John Joy, has written other stuff on the interpretation of Catholic documents. The Usual Suspects, meanwhile, heralded this as definitely totally for sure changing Catholic teaching, saying that we are all now bound to never, ever use capital punishment.
But given what the change appeared to say, anyway, and the crowds of confident and important-sounding people like Father Martin saying afterwards that it definitely for sure changed Catholic teaching, lots of people were confused. And are confused. The whole situation was extremely frustrating, Plumber; you have got no idea. This is certainly true.
It should be no wonder to you that I am not happy with the Republican party as it is! Trump showed that there was a disconnect between the base and the representatives, and that working class voters in the Rust Belt were unhappy with Democrats. This is astounding coming from a pretty establishment Republican. Tell me how much this sounds like your regular Republican, Plumber:.
Business profits have become increasingly estranged from production and employment. This is mainly driven by large, transnational corporations. Rather than engaging in real production and innovation with workers here at home—the production that delivers widely shared prosperity—they have sought to reduce their domestic labor costs. This strategy is damaging not only the American worker, but also the competitiveness of American industry.
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We are cutting off the branch on which we sit. The Church emphasizes the moral duty of employers to respect workers not just as means to profit, but as human persons and productive members of their community and nation. The tradition sees past our stale partisan categories and roots our politics in something larger: the inviolable dignity of every human person, the work he or she does, and the family life that work supports.
An establishment Republican, trashing transnational corporations and advocating the return of labor unions! On the other side of the aisle are folks like John Bel Edwards, the pro-life Catholic governor of Louisiana.
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If even Joe Biden, who supported the Hyde Amendment for 40 years , is caving to those to his left here, what hope does anyone have of making the Democrats a party of life? In fact, you can generally assume that James Martin, SJ, is spouting rubbish whenever he speaks about Catholic doctrine. Or anything else, really.
Observant Catholic convert —and I think the discussion is starting in a very unhelpful place. Legally, the pastor was within his rights, but barely so. There are actually several reasons. This is one. Another is that to receive the Eucharist unworthily is sacrilegious. A third is that to receive communion publicly, when one is persevering obstinately in manifest grave sin, scandalizes the faithful.
Ed Peters has written on this several times canon is one of his hobby horses , but I think his best post on it is probably Part One of this. I think it was St. John Marie Vianney who said that sacrilegious communions are like throwing Christ into an open sewer? Does that force him to condemn this specific policy?
And the ones which allow communion fail to so much as mention canon So re 1 , Peters in that article has a problem with the Amoris policies differing from bishops conference to bishops conference and so do I. Addendum: sorry, Douglas, I actually misunderstood your 1. If I understand you right, you mean that this article , which says canon applies to every minister of communion, seems to condemn Charleston by implication for having a diocesan policy.
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Take it with a grain of salt. Peters says as much at the beginning, that Cupich has a responsibility here and he is failing. But ultimately ministers like anyone are bound to act according to their conscience. So if a minister understands to require them to withhold, they must withhold, bishop be damned.
In the contrary case—where Charleston requires the minister to withhold—if conscience dictates them to give communion anyway, they must give communion. They might lose the privilege, or they might actually be in the wrong, but conscience dictates. Like I said, it seems like Charleston has this one right.
He would have simply been wrong to. If every priest has to make a decision, then every bishop has to make a decision. And they ought to talk about their decision with their priests. Part of their job is to be mentors. Not to mention the specific dioceses with policies.
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The privilege to give communion? Who are we talking about, pastors or lay ministers? It seems to me crazy to combine coercion with insisting that people act their conscience. Orwellian would be a good word here. Either have war or have a truce. I think your argument proves too much.
So acting your conscience can put you on the wrong side of that.
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Even if the priest is following his conscience, even if the priest is right. I wrote out a fairly long pundit-esque response to this idea and then deleted it. The short answer to your question is, in my opinion, no. Politics be damned. Censure means absolutely nothing, and it means that you considered doing something and decided to do absolutely nothing instead.
Anyone who believes in limiting the imperial Presidency should know that this is the first step to doing so, and maybe the last possible opportunity. Is anyone else on this forum participating in NaNoWriMo next month? This will be my second year. Last year I got to 70k, but when I went back through the story needed a lot of work. Oh, yeah my 10K words were and still are to be honest in serious need of polishing and rework, but I find that type of work to be easier and more fun than putting the words on paper the first time around.
I have taken a more realistic appraisal of my abilities and decided to join the lesser known NaNoWriDec movement.
Wise Words about Running (and life!)
This might be a good place to link the website I mentioned at the last meet-up, scribophile. Need some new buddies since they rejiggered the site.

Anyone want to add me as a buddy? My handle is the same as here: sclmlw. Kids might be actually dumb, but fictional characters have to be smarter than real people they represent, as a general rule.
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We also have to accept that reality is real and anything that happens in it happens for a reason. Has anyone gotten the chance to thumb through it yet? I just flipped through the preview first chapter? Alternatively, all the immigrants who would take our money will lead to severe throttling of welfare programs, which in turn leads to lower life quality for the poor, increased violence and crime, and generally bad outcomes. I think in order for open borders to work you need incredibly pro-full-employment politics.
The hope is that having lots of workers available all the time will mean a faster-growing economy and thus a rising tide that lifts all boats. On the other hand, the rising tide probably lifts the boats of high-skill, high-value citizens a lot more than it does the boats of low-skill, low-value citizens. I knew people who went back to Honduras because they could no longer find work.
When the jobs go away, lots of immigrants return home. There was some really ugly shit going on in Guatemala a couple decades ago, and El Salvador had a civil war that produced a lot of refugees. Those folks will stay here if they have to sleep in a dumpster, because going home means sleeping in a mass grave. But most illegal immigration is economic—people come here looking for work.
Economic incentives matter there.