Login twitter via scope app

For more information about how to configure this behavior see Social Identity Provider Settings.

Learn how to build your app on Okta, fast. Quick Starts.

Edit Page Social Login Okta allows your users to sign in to your app using credentials from external social login providers. Currently Okta supports the following social login providers: The Social Login Process The social login process starts at the authentication endpoint , then goes out to the provider and back: The user authenticates and is asked by the Provider to accept the permissions required by your app.

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Once the user accepts the permissions, Okta handles the authentication and redirects the user back to your specified redirect URI. Social authentication requests are canceled if not completed within fifteen minutes. The Set-up Process To set up social login, configure the following: An OAuth 2.

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Set a few configuration options and you have an annotated chart, ready to embed on your website. And did we mention, it looks great on phones? As with all of our tools, simplicity Events Aug 30, Register now and book your hotel rooms for the event, which will take place on Friday, Oct. Hotel room blocks near campus are filling up fast!

React Authentication with Twitter, Google, Facebook and Github

Speakers will include: The first step in building this project was to gather a list of celebrities to compare users against. To do this, I searched the web for sites that had celebrity information. IMDB was the perfect solution as it had an extensive list of celebrities actors, movie directors, singers, sports figures, etc and provided the information in a structured format that was straightforward to collect using a web scraping tool. Tools used: Beautiful Soup — A useful Python library for scraping web pages that has extensive documentation and community support.

Laravel 5.7 App Socialite Login with Twitter Tutorial

Choosing elements to save from a page is as simple as writing a CSS selector. Collecting tweets After gathering a list of celebrities, I needed to find them on Twitter and save their handles. One wrinkle when dealing with celebrities is that fake accounts use similar or identical names and could be difficult to detect. Luckily, Twitter includes a handy data field in each user object that indicates whether the account is verified, which I checked before saving the handle.

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A few tips for writing cronjob tasks that I found extremely helpful when collecting data: Construct your scripts in a way that cycles through your API keys to stay within the rate limit. This will allow for your scripts to run unattended and not crash the entire program when an error occurs. Run your scripts on a remote computer unless you want to keep your computer on the entire time the scripts are running!

It makes working with a database feel like working with Javascript. Cronjobs — A time based job scheduler that lets you run scripts at designated times or intervals e.

Connect Your App to Twitter

Once the tweets have been successfully stored in your database, you can manipulate the data to fit the needs of your project. For my project, I removed common words and created an index on the text of the collected tweets to perform the similarity comparisons. What now? While the number of projects you could build using Twitter data is close to infinite, there are a few cool and fun civic-minded projects already out there. Closer to home, Knight Lab has developed a number a different projects using the tools above: While the scope of these projects range from text aggregation to recommendation engines to sentiment analysis, they all leverage the use of various open source tools to access Twitter data and build applications on top of it.

About the author. Allen Zeng Undergraduate Fellow. Latest Posts.

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