Ios 7 blur effect xcode
Or on the contrary, will they celebrate the creative approach? I like it. It works like a charming. You can use below code to apply blur effect on view. Muhammad Rizwan Muhammad Rizwan 3, 1 21 It actually works! Great solution: I've found LiveFrost to be a great, and easy to integrate project for live blurring.
UIVisualEffectView Tutorial: Getting Started
You can use UIVisualEffect from storyboard. The Vibrancy effect must be selected in View options above. See image: Sahil Kapoor Sahil Kapoor 6, 9 46 Atif Khan Atif Khan 1 7. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Blurs allow you to show the previous view in the background, albeit out of focus, to give the user even more context as to where they were a moment ago. The Notification Center is a great example of this; when you pull it down, you can still see the original view in the background whilst you work on another task in the foreground.
Focusing on selective items removes clutter and lets the user navigate quickly through the interface. Users will instinctively ignore elements that are blurred, focusing instead on the more important, in-focus elements in the view. You will implement two different types of blurs in this tutorial: Static Blur and Dynamic Blur. Static blurs represent a snapshot in time and do not reflect changes in the content below them.
In most cases, a static blur works perfectly fine. Dynamic blurs, in contrast, update as the content behind them changes. The first step in creating a static blur is converting the current on-screen view into an image. Apple provides some wonderful APIs to convert any view into an image — and there are some new ones in iOS 7 to do it even faster. The snapshotting APIs give you the ability to capture not just a single view, but also the entire view hierarchy.
- iOS 7 Blur Effects with GPUImage.
- objective c - iOS 7 style Blur view - Stack Overflow.
- Using UIImageEffects.
- Getting Started.
- graphics - How can I produce an effect similar to the iOS 7 blur view? - Stack Overflow?
- Create iOS 7 blur effect with latest APIs.
That means if you instruct it to capture a view, it will also capture all the buttons, labels, switches and various views that are placed on top of it. That way, you can quickly and easily convert any view and its contained view hierarchy into an image — and get some code reuse to boot! These two lines are bookends for what is known as the image context. A context can be one of several things; it can be the screen, or as in this case, an image. The net effect of these two lines is an off-screen canvas on which to draw the view hierarchy.
Stack blur (Box + Gaussian)
Add the following import to the top of DropDownMenuController. Here you ensure you capture not just the view but its superview as well. To test out your code, add a breakpoint on the line directly below the call to convertViewToImage. The program will halt execution when it hits the breakpoint and you can view the captured image to make sure your code is functioning properly. To add a breakpoint, click in the margin to the left of the line and Xcode with mark the spot with a blue arrow, as shown below:. To preview the image, select image in the lower left hand pane of the debugger, then click the Quick Look icon as indicated below:.
The GPUImage framework has already been added to the project; you just need to import the header. Add the following declaration to the implementation block of DropDownMenuController. Find the breakpoint you added earlier, right click it and select Delete Breakpoint , as follows:. Now would be a great time to initialize your blur filter. Add the following code to DropDownMenuController.
These statements act as the glue which bonds everything together. You add the filter as a target of the picture, and then the image view as a target of the filter. The final result will simply show up in the image view when the processing is complete. The contentsScale property defines the mapping between the logical coordinate space of the layer measured in points and the physical coordinate space measured in pixels.
Higher scale factors indicate that each point in the layer is represented by more than one pixel at render time. If you reset the contentScale back to 2. Add the following line to show in DropDownMenuController. Build and run your app; tap Menu , close the menu, and then tap Menu again. What does your menu look like now? The half-size black box is no longer a problem — but now you have a full-size black box to contend with!
This issue comes about the second time you calculate the blur; the proper way to solve this is to remove all of the targets from the blur which resets the filter. This new method has a completion block that runs once the image processing is complete. What someone developing the OS can do is very different from what the public interfaces let us do. One way to do this would be to use GPUImage to pull in the camera frames via AV Foundation and then have that output both to a GPUImageView for the live camera output and then in parallel be fed into a gaussian blur and possibly a crop to match the position of the blurred view and that output to another GPUImageView that would display the blurred content behind your controls.
That is possible because we have a fast path from camera frames to OpenGL ES, but we don't have anything similar for generic UI elements.
Your Answer
The filter seems to be blurring in a grid, with visible squares everywhere, where Apple's is just one smooth sheet. That said, the blur only samples a 9-pixel area by default, and so if you increase the multiplier for the blur past that point you'll start to see artifacts from skipping pixels.

This is done for performance reasons, but you could modify the vertex and fragment shaders to sample a larger number of pixels. That, or try to apply a CIGaussianBlur, which has a more generalized blur implementation. One of these days, I'll extend this blur to larger radii. CGRectMake 50, 50, , ]; [self. YES]; [self. Paul Peelen Paul Peelen 6, 14 71 Is there some trick to using FXBlurView?
I've tried it, but we have resulted in laggy views on an iPhone 5. Their demo project works fine. Fairly odd. It depends on what you want to do. I believe this has to do with the way the blur is added.
iOS 7 Blur Effects with GPUImage |
Apple is, if I am not misstaken, directly accessing the GPU when using its own blur, which we cannot do as developers. Hence, cprcrack solution is actually the best solution here. How have you handled device rotations with FXBlurView? I'm presenting a modal dialog at the moment; the dialog itself rotates fine but the backdrop is squished the wrong way it needs to be updated after the rotation basically.
In you view controller's viewDidLoad: Yes, it surprised me. I verified, this idea does work. I made just one line change in viewDidLoad like this.