List windows phone 8 devices

Microsoft has been working on making a tighter integration of apps in the new OS. In a world where cloud-storage seems to be the future, everything we own digitally can be stored elsewhere — not actually on our devices.

List of Windows Phone devices - Wikipedia

With Windows Phone 8 you can automatically sync your email, contacts, calendar, instant messages, and text messages to your Hotmail or Outlook account. The same process happens to your photos, videos, Office documents, and OneNote notes, but to your SkyDrive account. Windows Phone and Windows 8 share the same core. This means that when it comes to development, whether it is software or hardware, as a consumer, your experience across phone and PC will be exceptional.

Windows Phone 8.1 End of Support: FAQ

Plus, with almost identical apps due to the shared core from phone to Windows 8, you should enjoy a much richer, consistent experience. NFC can also prove useful here, as you can share links, and open Web pages by just touching your phone with another phone, or another NFC-enabled item, like a poster, for example. If you venture onto a potentially malicious site, a big red screen will remind you to browse safely.

Whether you listen to it or not, is up to you. You can then share that picture the same way you would any other picture.

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Upgrading existing Windows Phone 8.1 devices to Windows 10 Mobile

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NFC sharing between Android and Windows Phone 8

Tip: Sign In to save these choices and avoid repeating this across devices. You can always update your preferences in the Privacy Centre.