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Build the ultimate bike and become the ultimate racer! Rake in the dough with your fully tuned-up performance car! Make daring jumps and flip in the air on your trusty motorcycle! Highly realistic trucks and tons of jobs in scenic Europe. Race to the finish line at over miles per hour! Light cycle racing based on the classic movie TRON! Drive up, down and as far as you can without flipping over. Race as one of your favorite Nicktoons characters! Roll downhill at unsafe speeds in this challenging stunt racer!
Perfect your racing skills and make it to Knoxville! Create your own custom car to race on the streets! How long you can survive while burning rubber in heavy traffic? Awesome rally car racing and tons of upgrades for your car. Racing video games give the player an opportunity to compete against other vehicles of the same type in a behind-the-wheel scenario or to compete against themselves and the clock in a timed race.
The game varieties range from cars, trucks and ATVs to boats and even airplanes and include real-looking backgrounds to fantasy settings.
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There are five common categories to car racing games: arcade style, simulation racing, rally car, street racing and NASCAR. Arcade style racing games differ from real driving in a few ways. In arcade-style racing, taking turns at high speeds is encouraged, while simulation racing games require the player to slow down for curves and turns, like driving in real life.
Collisions tend to be more graphic and exaggerated and tend to focus on the racing experience, rather than real life details. Usually, however an arcade style racing game gives the player a steering wheel, a gas pedal and puts them inside the physical box of the game, lending to the impression the player is inside a vehicle. The typical behavior of a vehicle determines how a game works in simulation racing.
This type of game is typically targeted toward people with higher levels of racing skill, as precision and technique are beneficial in simulations. A racing series with many games based on its characteristics is the Formula One World Championship, which has cars racing at high speeds on specially built tracks and sometimes on former streets or roadways that have been closed and transformed into tracks. These games also are played with a controller held in the hand or by using buttons on a keyboard, rather than an actual steering wheel put into use.
In some instances, a joystick is optional. Rally car racing games take the player off-road, using specially modified vehicles that include turbos for increased speed and varied terrain settings. Street racing is a category of the racing game that brings the player closest to reality. Driving along city streets and incorporating such factors as pedestrians, police, traffic lights and medians, the games give the driver the ability to experience somewhat typical driving while sitting in the comfort of his or her home.
NASCAR, the first version of which was released in , puts the player behind the wheel of a vehicle similar to those used on the Sprint Cup circuit. At the high end of the limit for PCs at that time, the game was the first to have more realistic looking cars, as opposed to squared off imitations. With drafting incorporated into the mechanics of this game, it opened up the genre and drew in more enthusiasts. The game also introduced the concept of online racing. An expansion pack was released in that added seven additional tracks to the option list. The original racing game is considered to be Gran Trak 10, created for the arcade by Atari and released in However, that game did not include competition with others.
Rather, the racer got points by beating the clock. Newer games also give the player various points of view: from inside the car, a road view or even a map view to show the racer where they are overall on the track. Not to mention the multiple modifications available for the vehicle and the different venues players can choose to race on. Along the way, however, several notable games have set new standards for the racing game genre.
Players could race against computer-generated opponents and was the first game based on an actual racing circuit.
The game considered the pioneer in simulation racing was REVS, released in The game was better received in England than it was in the United States. Based on Formula 3 racing. OutRun, a game released in by Sega, added more options for the player. The arcade-style racing adventure included a moving cabinet, a choice of soundtrack and the route to be traveled and was a huge hit with the racing crowd.
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The game had the goal of being the most accurate simulation game of its time and included new advances in aerodynamics and tire modelling. The game also had a special version developed for business purposes, to be used in event simulators or for promotions. The game, called Midnight Madness, allowed the player to choose where to go throughout several actual cities, including London. The game was the first to allow drivers outside pre-set tracks in simulated real-life environments. Today, multiple versions of these games exist.
Anyone who enjoys the thrill of speed and time constraints or wishes to be their favorite racing hero would be interested in this genre of games. The player is interested in being put behind the wheel without the real-life consequences or price tag, all in the name of fun. For one, the screen-tilt controls are just perfect. And the game's heavy reliance of turbo boosts and drifting make for a highly-stylized and insanely entertaining experience. Three years old, and it's still our favorite racing game; everything about it still oozes ludicrous speed and high-octane thrills.
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Depending on your view of free-to-play games, Need for Speed: No Limits is either one of the greatest racing games to ever bless your phone, or Sure, the gameplay itself falls halfway between the hyper-real visuals of Real Racing 3 with more sparks and debris and madcap driving experience of Asphalt 8 there is no higher praise.
We also loved unlocking new cars and interesting missions, and reveled in the turbo-boost bonuses you gain from close calls and near-collisions. This becomes grating. We're not sure, is Traffic Rider just a incredibly stressful game, or is it secretly a cleverly-veiled public service announcement for road-bike traffic safety?
8 Best Free Racing games for iOS 2018
Decide for yourself. In it, your aim is to lane-split and weave your motorbike through outgoing and oncoming traffic at top speed. Naturally, this ends in your death Given its relatively one-dimensional conceit, we're pretty surprised just how robust a game Traffic Rider. With over 40 levels, tons of detailed highways, and a ton of different modes, Traffic Rider packs countless hours of game-play into the same suicidal approach to street-racing.
Of this list, Slingshot Racing is the most unique take on the racing genre. And not just because you're in a steam-punk—ostensibly coal-powered—race kart. The key er, only mechanism here is swinging your car around curves by firing a grappling hook at anchor points, and riding the arc. In play, this means that winning a race basically boils down to executing and detaching a volley of well-timed shots.
Dodge traffic at top speed in first person
Once you get the hang of it, man does this feel good. Unlike most combat racing games, here's one that rewards a deft finger on the trigger far more than a quick toe on the pedal.

To be sure, Battle Riders is a gray, futuristic combat game with riveting racing mechanics—and not the other way around. Before each of the six types of races from survival to duel you pick a imposing-looking brutalist vehicle, that car's main and secondary weapons, and either outgun or outrace your AI opponents. Whatever it takes. As far as the driving goes, we thought the tilt screen controls work wonderfully, leaving your thumbs free to focus on the more important task at hand, firing off smart shots of raygun- and missile-fire.
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