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Qt is good, qt is MUCH easier to start with and the knowledge you gain you can use also for software development for desktop Windows, OS-X, linux crossplatform and other embedded linux devices. In one word it has some future. Qt applications run also on 3. You also don't have to use the latest SDK but 1.
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Mario Mario 52 2 2 silver badges 12 12 bronze badges. The sis file is created from the installation package script pkg file that specifies the binary files compiled on your PC and their destination location on the device.
I understand you. The only positive thing is that if you are serious into mobile software development and manage to develop something on Symbian, I can tell you that no big surprises will wait for your on any other platform: everything will seem to you much simpler. The midlets apps you produce can also be installed on S40 devices.
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S40 is currently the world's most widely used mobile phone platform. I think I'll consider this path because I already managed to make a working Hello World in J2ME on my phone, instead I can't do anything in Qt, documentation is not clear about what to do and install with my phone and Qt Creator. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name.
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Some Internet users have been using the technology for a long time, while others just want to try it in practice. For the second group, let us. So I successfully updated to If any other E5 users would like to.