Windows phone 8 operating system architecture
Introduced to users on October 29, , this OS looks very similar to its predecessor, Windows Phone 7, while also bringing many more enhancements over the latter. Windows Phone 8 replaced the Windows CE-based architecture with a new one, based on the Windows NT kernel , thereby enabling app developers to port applications between the desktop and the mobile platforms. This new OS also permits devices with larger screens; brings multi-core processors; a new and far improved customizable UI and Home Screen; Wallet and Near Field Communication; effortless multi-tasking; support for microSD cards; seamless integration of VoIP applications and much more.
The WP8 platform aims to reach out for better enterprise support, by enabling business establishments to create a private marketplace to distribute apps exclusively to their employees. Additionally, this OS also supports future over-the-air updates. The Windows Core system is the part that actually shares code with Windows and is the bare essential of OS kernel. So together the Core System with Mobile core are the only areas with codeshare between the two platforms.
The platform services itself consists of four major elements, which provide services to all applications.
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That data includes information about pinning and extensibility points the app has registered. Execution Manager handles the applications and background agents and their execution logic. Navigation Server is handling all the moving between foreground applications on the phone. It handles it by telling execution manager what application to launch or reactivate and keeps track of the navigation stack. Local app data should be used for any information that needs to be preserved between app sessions and is not suitable type or size wise, for roaming app data. Data that is not applicable on other devices should be stored here as well.
There are no general size restrictions on local data stored. Roaming app data keeps the app's app data in sync across multiple devices.
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If a user installs the app on multiple devices, the OS keeps the app data in sync, reducing the amount of setup work that the user needs to do for the app on their second device. Roaming also enables the users to continue a task, such as composing a list, right where they left off even on a different device.
The OS replicates roaming data to the cloud when it is updated, and synchronizes the data to the other devices on which the app is installed. The OS limits the size of the app data that each app may roam.
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If the app hits this limit, none of the app's app data will be replicated to the cloud until the app's total roamed app data is less than the limit again. For this reason, it is a best practice to use roaming data only for user preferences, links, and small data files. Roaming data for an app is available in the cloud as long as it is accessed by the user from some device within the required time interval.
If the user does not run an app for longer than this time interval, its roaming data is removed from the cloud. If a user uninstalls an app, its roaming data isn't automatically removed from the cloud, it's preserved. If the user reinstalls the app within the time interval, the roaming data is synchronized from the cloud.
The current policy specifies that this time interval is 30 days. The operating system roams app data opportunistically and doesn't guarantee an instant sync. In scenarios where a user is offline or on a high latency network, roaming could be delayed significantly. From our sample Garda data, we did not observe a localcache folder. Additionally this MSDN article says that App data settings are stored in the registry presumably meaning in the Software hive and that App settings can also be local or roaming.
The settings that the app adds to the local data store are present only on the local device. The system automatically synchronizes settings the app adds to the roaming data store on all devices on which the user has installed the app. There have been some changes regarding SD card use between Windows Phone 8. Windows Phone 8. This MS document says:. The storage card stores content that is generated or downloaded onto the phone, in addition to content that is sideloaded by the user.
Content that is generated on the phone follows a prescribed folder layout, which mirrors the Public data folder layout on internal storage.

Sideloaded content can be in any folder layout, and any content requester needs to scan these folders. Windows Phone uses only one storage card, which is mounted on a separate drive drive D. According to this MS document , Windows Phone 8.
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Apps new in Windows Phone 8. Map data. Side loading application XAPs. Some app data , in particular, user content in non-system managed locations for example, e-books. SD cards do not support the following content:.
Microsoft Office files Email Text messages Contacts Anything else not mentioned in the supported content list. The user also is able to sideload content into this directory. Our data sets did not include SD card data so we are unable to figure out what MS actually means here Another inconsistency regarding SD cards can be found here which says dated August 25, that:.
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There is currently no method to move files between an SD card and the internal storage. DAT KB. Software KB. System KB. Security 8 KB. SAM 8 KB. The Software and System hives contained the most useful data in monkeys humble opinion.
Navigation menu
DAT 96 KB. James Macfarlane's " regcompare. DAT but nothing significant was found. So the Label can indicate how recently the phone was updated. In contrast,. This will obviously depend on the phone's current time setting. The device's phone number does not appear to be stored in the registry. A search was performed on the system hives but no data hits were found. Neither was the phone number found in the store. StackOverflow claims its not programmatically possible to access the device's phone number.
We did not have any CDMA phone datasets to see if they stored the phone number. The PIN value seems to stored as a hash in the registry. There's also a bunch of PIN related configuration stuff under:. For Garda, the same credential hash value was observed at:.