Google map software for blackberry mobile
Blackberries may have been overshadowed lately by the success of the iPhone, but they still offer and incredibly powerful platform. Plus, since the Blackberry operating system is build on Java and has always been open, there are a slew of useful and mature applications, many of which are free.
Here are the ones I use the most:. The Maps application does everything you can do with Google Maps on your PC search, get directions, switch to satellite view, and so on , plus it will use either the nearest cell tower or, if you have a GPS-enabled phone, GPS to pinpoint your location. The Sync app lets you do a two-way synchronization between the calendar on your Blackberry and Google Calendar. All in all, this is an incredible piece of productivity software, one I use probably a dozen times a day. Of course, you can also IM with text. The new beta lets you set up weather, sports, finance, and travel alerts, get updates from local Kijiji classifieds if it serves your area , even get free book feeds from DailyLit.
All this in a beautiful and very easy-to-use interface — what more could you ask for? Already huge in Japan, these 2-D codes can contain a URL, product information, or other material; BeeTag reads the code and sends you to the website indicated or displays the text. Voice-enable your Blackberry with Vlingo , which goes beyond voice-dialing to voice-texting and even voice-emailing.
Hold the key down, say a command, and Vlingo goes to work. You can search the web, update your Facebook status, create tasks and memos, even open built-in applications and a handful of third-party Vlingo-enabled apps, all using your voice.
Account Options
Of course, sending messages is a piece of cake, too. My only complaint is that messages are previewed, with only the first 40 characters or so visible in each timeline screen, so you have to click them individually to read them in their entirety. Poynt is a slick local search app now in beta for the Blackberry.
Poynt does local yellow page searches so you can find businesses near you, and has an excellent movie listings feature that lets you find movies near you, theaters near you, or browse by genre or review the current top You can enter your location manually or, if your phone has GPS, let Poynt pinpoint your location automatically. You like Facebook, right? And well you should — you have a Blackberry, after all! What are your favorite Blackberry apps, free or paid?
Let us know all about it in the comments! Scott is obsessed with personal development. For the last ten years, he's been experimenting to find out how to learn and think better. Read full profile. It expands your viewpoint.

It gives you new knowledge you can use to improve your life. It is important for your personal growth. Even if you discount the worldly benefits, the act of learning can be a source of enjoyment.
Google Maps and other Blackberry Apps | Web Design Greenville SC
The only things learned are those that need to be. Everything beyond that is considered frivolous. Even those who do appreciate the practice of lifelong learning, can find it difficult to make the effort. Always strive to have a book that you are reading through, and take it with you so you can read it when you have time. Just by shaving off a few minutes in-between activities in my day I can read about a book per week.
We all have to-do lists.
10 Great Free Apps for Blackberry
These are the tasks we need to accomplish. On it you can write ideas for new areas of study. Maybe you would like to take up a new language, learn a skill or read the collective works of Shakespeare. Whatever motivates you, write it down. You'll find three common ways to enter a new address: 1 type an address on your BlackBerry; 2 speak an address and TeleNav will record it; and 3 create a MyTeleNav account on the company's website and send addresses to your device from a PC.
You can also employ the TeleNav browser plugin. More on that coming up. From there, you simply hit the Get Directions button and you're on your way.
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But alternative methods for entering destination addresses can save you time and effort. For example, you can launch TeleNav directly from an e-mail, your address book, calendar or even a meeting invite, all with just a couple of clicks. From the menu options, select Drive To. Next, you may be prompted to choose the address you desire from a list of possible destinations.
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- Table of Contents.
- Using Blackberry Curve GPS with Google Maps | Matthias Zeller Memento.
- Maps & Navigation - BlackBerry World.
Choose the correct one and that's it. Getting directions directly from an e-mail message or address book entry works in much the same way. Simply scroll over the address to which you wish to travel, within your address book or a message, hit your BlackBerry Menu key, and again pick Drive To. In fact, you can follow these steps to get driving directions within a variety of different applications; if there's an address listed, open your BlackBerry menu and see if there's a Drive To option.
Get better use out of your BlackBerry and keep up-to-date on the latest developments. The plugin, which can be downloaded from TeleNav's site, lets you highlight an address on a Web page and add it directly to your TeleNav account via PC so it can be synced with your device for future use. You just highlight the address and click the TeleNav button in your browser's toolbar.
My experience with the browser plugin has been a mixed bag; sometimes the addresses I add via PC take a long time to show up in MyTeleNav, sometimes they don't show up at all. But when the plugin works, it works well; every time an address made its way to MyTeleNav using the browser plugin, I had no issues syncing it to my device and finding my desired location.
Note: you need to login to your MyTeleNav page to use the browser plugin.