Gta san andreas ios radio glitch
Category Games. Compatibility Requires iOS 8. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Licence Agreement. GTA: Chinatown Wars. Max Payne Mobile. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Grand Theft Auto: iFruit. First, they have to go up to the left sliding gate, punch it, and then they need to turn away quickly, and it should slide open.
Sometimes, if the player has killed a lot of pedestrians and they run away from the corpses, there is a chance that an Ambulance will still appear near the corpses, but when the player gets close or checks out the vehicle via a sniper scope, there will be no paramedics coming out of it. When the player encounters the said Ambulance, its emergency light can still be seen lighting on. This is more than likely a glitch. If the player shoots the Ammu-Nation clerk in the head with a sniper rifle, the clerk will open fire briefly on the player before he drops dead, but his head will still be attached to his body.
Before San Fierro, Whetstone and Flint County are unlocked for the first time to the player , there is a glitch.
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If Carl reaches the bridge that connects Los Santos and the Flint Intersection , he will have a chance to see that some vehicles will pass through the blocking barricades that cannot be driven through normally and go on to Flint County. It is unknown what kind of in-game factor causes this.
Saving at Madd Dogg's Mansion can cause a glitch rendering all the basketball courts in the game inoperable. This doesn't appear to happen all the time and may not be an issue with the PS2 version , but it is not recommended to save at this safehouse. This glitch can be repaired using external tools. If the player has completed all courses in the Bike School with silver medals or gold medals, and then comes back to the school, the FCR or NRG will sometimes be transformed into the Freeway. However, returning to the school once more after driving far away from it may fix the glitch, where either of the aforementioned two bikes will re-spawn.
If the player reaches the door to the roof of the Caligula's Casino with a 3-star wanted level or more and then gets out via the door, the LVPD officers will spawn on the roof and begin to shoot at the player. This would be unrealistic since people cannot get to the roof in this way. While attacking, some officers may accidentally fall off and crash to their deaths if the player looks on closely. When the player is driving down any highway in the State, the player may randomly encounter NPC cars that spawn inside of each other, thus they will be stuck and will give off sparks, then both cars will start smoking and eventually explode.
The cars can be freed by simply hitting them with CJ's car. Cars may also spawn stuck half-in and half-out of the ground, usually at a 45 degree angle and with their rear end submerged in the road. This seems to occur most frequently on long bridges, such as the Gant or Garver Bridge , for unknown reasons. They usually just go the same speed as the other cars, but some may kind of bump around and explode. It is unknown what factor of the game causes these glitches, however it could happen due to the low frame rate while playing the game. If the player has more than 3-star wanted level inside the casino, the cops that spawn inside will act like a regular pedestrian.
Casino guards will shoot the player instead. If a Police Maverick gets very close to Carl and the player shoots it down rapidly with heavy firepower, the megaphone lines used by the pilot E. You're going down, hard man, right now! Sometimes, if the player manages to snipe the cop on the driver side while he's driving away from afar, the cop will chase CJ even though he was already killed.
When CJ tries to jack the car, the door will be locked and the dead cop will stay inside the car. Sometimes, if the player has a wanted level and tries to kill the police officer who manages to get out of the police car and display firearm at Carl, the officer will still do the get-out action even if he was indeed shot. However he will either suffer or die from the player-made damage as soon as he gets out of the car.
In some occasions, the officer will still immediately begin shooting at the player after getting out of the car as if he wasn't shot. Shoot random objects near a garage i.

The driver will disappear. On the southernmost block of Fort Carson , there is a Beagle that spawns in the driveway of a house, stuck between the house and a large palm tree. It is unstable, as even the slightest nudge or push can cause its left engine to catch on fire and explode. Entering it is not recommended, as it will also lead to imminent destruction.
Sometimes, it just explodes immediately, even if the player never touched it. This glitch is most likely a coding error. However the Beagle must have not been intended to spawn there. It is possible to get it out by sprinting against its backside and nudging it out from between the house and the tree, or by using several cheats. After completing the mission End of the Line , all law enforcement vehicles will disappear from the player's garages police cars, Rhinos, and even the SWAT Tank.
This may be a glitch, but it is most likely to stop players from obtaining the SWAT Tank as End of the Line is the only mission to obtain it and the vehicle was never meant to be available during normal gameplay. The player can, however, obtain the tank if they fail the mission, whether accidentally or on purpose. To do this, the player must fail the mission and then drive it into a garage. However, the player will still be unable to complete the mission and retain the vehicle.
Sometimes when CJ climbs a wall ontop of a platform, like the fenced hedges CJ encounters in the mission Tagging Up Turf, halfway through the animation CJ will get instantly wasted. The unknown reason why this happens helped the rise of the popular Heart Attack myth, with players believing that CJ's death is scripted when he tries to climb while being obese.
Players most often encountered this glitch during Tagging Up Turf, while the task is to jump over several fences to get to the second tag, including the bugged ones. If Carl tries to push a vehicle wreck into a garage, the wreck will sometimes disappear for unknown reasons before it could be moved into the garage.
This happens more frequently if the wreck touches the side doors of the garage or the garage door. This happens on all versions of the game. If CJ rams into a motorcyclist and then quickly drives off whilst looking behind CJ's vehicle, the pedestrian disappears and the bike will drive with no one on it.
This happens if CJ is far enough away that the ped disappears whilst they are doing the 'get on' animation. The bike reads that the driver is getting on, and drives like normal but without the pedestrian. The bike will drive normal until it's flipped over or jacked. If Carl carjacks a Tractor , Tug , Baggage Handler or any other one-seater vehicle from the right side, he will slam the driver's head into the dashboard rather than hitting him. When he does that, the vehicle will move by itself because when stealing any other 2-seated car, e.
Premier from the passenger side, the driver will attempt to drive off. If the player drives a combine harvester and hit the drivers door gently, the driver will be gone as if it was killed by the harvester and the vehicle will drive itself normally without anyone inside. If the player hijacks the vehicle, CJ will get in the vehicle and still be able to drive it around normally. Strangely, Carl's girlfriend is immune to any type of damage inflicted by satchel charges. She is, however, vulnerable to gunfire and all other types of damage.
When CJ hits his daily workout limit, the game internally takes note of the day and month of when he hit his limit, e. June However, it does not keep track of the year.
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Because of this, when the new year comes around and CJ tries to work out, the game compares the current day and month to the day and month it has on record of when CJ last hit his workout limit. So if it's January 1, the game will compare this to June 12 referring back to the example.
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Since the current time now appears to be before the last time CJ hit his workout limit since the game does not keep track of the year , the game will not let CJ work out. He will not be able to workout until June 12 finally rolls around again. If CJ hits his daily workout limit, this glitch is inevitable. To avoid being affected by this glitch, make sure CJ does not hit his daily limit - always stop working out before he hits it. If the limit is hit accidentally, it is advised to not save the game. When the player has a three-star wanted level or higher and is in an area with steep hills, like San Fierro or northeast Los Santos, police helicopters will sometimes spawn underground.
Basics When you enter an Ambulance and you're not currently on a mission, hit the R3 button to start the Paramedic Missions. A blue icon will appear on your radar which symbolises a pedestrian who needs to be picked up. Make your way to the location of this pedestrian, using the radar and stop a few meters away from them.
Always slow down before getting near them, because killing them will result in a mission failure, and you don't want to do that on level 11 or 12! Stop next to them and wait for them to get in the Ambulance.
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Pretty much as soon as they have pulled the door open and started to get in you can begin to drive away. Once you've picked up all of the passengers, make your way to the hospital and drop them off in the red circle. As soon as they get out of the vehicle and you hear the "bleep" you can reverse or drive forwards and either pick up more passengers or start making your way to the new passengers on the next level. It doesn't matter if you 'accidentally' kill the passengers you've just saved, providing they have definitely been saved that is.
On Level 1 you'll need to save one pedestrian, on Level 2 you need to save two, and so on, however the Ambulance can only seat three, so after level three you're going to need to make two, three or even four trips to pick up everyone. During all of this the time is of course counting down, however you should have at least 40 seconds extra time, usually more on the higher levels, so if you do make a mistake it shouldn't be too much trouble.
Work your way up the levels delivering the pedestrians until you finish them. It's that simple.
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Tactics Now like all "Sub-Missions" I suggest you do the Ambulance missions as soon as possible, as the rewards you earn for completing them will help greatly in the story or just gameplay in general, however if you wish to wait about 20 or so missions, the Paramedic Missions can be done in Angel Pine, the small town right next to Mount Chiliad.
The great thing about this is that all of the pedestrians will spawn within the small town, and you'll have no more than about a 20 second drive from the hospital to pick them up. This way you can complete the Paramedic Missions in 20 to 30 minutes, as opposed to the hour to an hour and a half it would take to do them in the city. The people won't spawn as close to the hospital as they do in Angel Pine, however for the most part, it's a lot easier out there with less traffic and shortcuts over fields, although watch out for water, or steep hills which could flip your vehicle.