Persian keyboard for windows mobile 6.5
[APP][updated 15/9/] Mersad Persian lang… | Windows Mobile Development and Hacking
I have a smart device with windows Mobile 6. Net CF 3. The keybpad of this device is something look like this picture:.
As you see in the top picture, texts and numbers are placed on the same key. I can not type English letters using this keyboard, I just can type digits. I want to type English letters in text boxes And to Persian letters. I have 3 method for input characters and at the same time one of these methods must be enabled :.
One time with English, another time with Persian, and another time with digits. In the Message Handler you need to manage the keyboard plane numbers, english letters, persian letters and probably a key-pressed timeout to be able to decide if a key is pressed multiple times within a time to produce these ABC optional outputs. Watch the messages coming in and decide what to do.

You can alter a copy of the message, post it to the message queue and return true to let windows system know that you handled the message. But for extended chars this will get complicated finding the right sequence of values. Further on you may need to install a trueype font with persian glyphs. The default english OS fimrware normally only support a subset of unicode glyphs. Learn more about Teams.
Asked 4 years, 6 months ago. Active 4 years, 6 months ago. Viewed times. The keybpad of this device is something look like this picture: As you see in the top picture, texts and numbers are placed on the same key. I have 3 method for input characters and at the same time one of these methods must be enabled : Type digits Type English letters with some characters like.
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One time with English, another time with Persian, and another time with digits Regards. Pezhman Parsaee.
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