Telephone megaman battle network 3
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Ok this isn't really a code but it can tell you were the 5 Nazi's from the N1 are.. Note:you don't have to do these in order.. So when you need to get to ACDC square why risk your life on your net system when you can go to Dex's house,jack in and you'll be there! Secret Area Doors There are doors in the secret area that can only be opened in certain ways. The first door will only open if you have over kinds of chips not including mega or giga chips! Beware,right after you open the first door, you will imediatly face DarkMan. I have no clue how to open the door of trust since it opened as soon as I found it.
To open the door of power, all you have to do is get ONE giga chip. I think you have to go through the statue on Hades Isle to get there. Beware, as soon as you open the door of power, you will immediately face JapanMan YamatoMan. I have no idea how to open the door of Love, or any ones past that. Secret Area After you beat the game a yellow star will be next to continue , jack into the Undernet server and press the a button next to the hole thingy.
The torches flames will turn green, then go out. Megaman's data will then be transferred into the secret area. How to get iceball M a very rare chip To get iceball M you must be past the n1 grand prix. Go to hades island and jack in. NOTE: this may take up to 5 min. There are doors in the secret area that can only be opened in certain ways. The door of love opens when you get all the good viruses to the Science Lab. The door of trust opens when you complete all the jobs. After you beat the game a yellow star will be next to continue , jack into the Undernet server and press the a button next to the hole thingy.
To get iceball M you must be past the n1 grand prix.

Once you defeat Bubbleman and Higsby's back in his shop, you can go up to Higsby and click chip order. He will only have the chips you already have, including from your extra folder. Warning, you can only get 1 of the same chip. Specials too. Enter one of the following codes in the Number Man machine at Higsby's shop to get the corresponding item. Get the best gaming deals, reviews, product advice, competitions, unmissable gaming news and more!
Game Boy Submitted by steven Blue Version. Game Boy Submitted by steven Secret Area. Go talk to him. If Lan can successfully answer to his questions, Lan will receive a Regu-Up 3.
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After the short interview, return to the competition room. EXE at Sayama. All obstacles and hands will come back, but at least DesertMan is helpless when his other parts are gone. Soon enough it will start dropping sand blocks. Watch their shadows to avoid them. There's a Spread Gun N in the top-right Area. Receive HP Memory. There is a HP Memory waiting for Lan. There is also a Jelousy J chip locked on the other side, ready to be opened. He will give Lan the Folder 2 deck and Lan can now switch between 3 decks.
Select the second choice when talking to him. He will become sick. To find this, equip I'm Fish block and go to Jigoku Area. Look for the Cold Balls enemy in that Area with I'm Fish equipped not too hard and use FlashMan to destroy them instantly the weapon penetrates their shields. He must undergo an operation. The tree will over-grow and Lan must now fix that. Lan will plug MegaMan. EXE into the Hospital console.
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If Lan run out of fire chips, that couple spell disaster, since he will not be able to leave the Area. Equip the Oil Body and watch those fire viruses come to MegaMan. Battle against an Azamata. Note that its only vulnerable part is the vines. The center one is an ambush, and the top on is the blue button required to open the gate.
The top gives 2 Heat Shoot I.
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The center one contains nothing, and the bottom one heals HP for MegaMan. He will challenge MegaMan before battling him. So first fight off a Natariko enemy. Head to 3F operation room and try there. On the left side is a z and many patches. Head back to the entrance of Area 5 and walk North. Fight PlantMan HP.
Remember to modify MegaMan's deck into fire-elemental or this is going to be long! If MegaMan get caught in the vines, he will likely suffer about HP because of the draining effect. It can also deploy a yellow and pink flowers. The yellow one will stun MegaMan if its pollen touches him, and the pink one will confuse MegaMan. Logic says Take the Fumikomi San N inside. Heavy Shake is very common at the 3-chips machine.
But not after meeting Hinoken right outside of the virus research lab. Fight two Mettool 3 and a Storm Box. There's a purple enemy Navi on the northern part that is near the Beach Square entrance. Fight a Mettool 3, a Laundalau and a Storm Box. Now go to the bottom-right lower Area, where a purple enemy Navi is blocking a path to a warp. Talk to it and it will move, if Lan have Ura's Password.
Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue Part #55 - Starting the PostGame! And Helping Scrubs.
Enter it and go to Jigoku Area. Go to Ura Internet 1 through the passage. Go around and enter Ura Internet 2. There is another purple enemy Navi. So fight against two Den Beetle and a Storm Box.
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This time, fight against a Nuraimu, a Kyorushin and a Storm Box. In the upper Area, there is one more purple enemy Navi. Talk to the Navi at the message boards.