Download do pou para smartphone
First, you have to download the free Bluestacks Android Emulator app for your computer or laptop. This is easily done by clicking the links at the top or bottom of this page. The installation process is very simple and basically automatic after you choose your operating system.
Feed, Clean and Tend to the Needs of Your Own Pet Alien!
Watch this video for step by step instructions on installing Bluestacks on Windows XP, 7 or 8. After the installation process has been completed, you are ready to adopt your new alien pet.

Click the search icon to be directed to the massive Google Play app store. Find, download and install Pou on PC to begin the fun. As soon as you meet your new little guy or girl, it is plain to see how much more enjoyable your life as a parent will be on your home PC or laptop. Okay, so Pou is more than your pet.
Pou Game Review - Download and Play Free On iOS and Android
Over time, this little alien has become like family as you have fed and played with him. Now, you can share your love of this cute alien and his great fashion sense to the vast Twitch social gaming network easily and conveniently. Forget needing anything extra, you simply click, play, and share.
With the new BlueStacks 4, you have one-click controls to start broadcasting Pou to Twitch and share your little guy with the world. Twitch users can watch and share video game footage, follow other users, and chat with players from all over the world. Since you are on your phone, we are going to send you to the Google Play page.
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BlueStacks 4 is not available on Windows XP. You must have Windows 7 or higher.
Accept the challenge to take care of Pou
Windows 10 is recommended. Raise your little alien pet on your PC and continue on your phone! Powerups Why play Pou on Bluestacks?
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- Opinions about Pou.
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Read about the special powerups available for Pou when using BlueStacks 4 Keymapping Learn how to improve your gaming skills with a special keymapping! If you play Pou on Android , iPhone or iPad , save your game so that you can pick up on your PC where you left of on your mobile device. Save your current game of Pou. Then, pick a name for your Pou — the default is Pou and a series of numbers, but you can choose whichever name you want.
Once all this is done, save your game. Look for Pou on Bluestacks. Open up Bluestacks, and search for Pou by clicking on the spyglass search icon.
- No Game Left Behind: Change The Device, Play Any Game?
- How to download, install and play Pou on PC.
- How to download, install and play Pou on PC.
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Click on the first result and hit Install. Search for Pou. Add an appstore sync. First, add your Google Account. You should then be able to sync between your PC, Bluestacks and your mobile device. Find Pou in the app store.
Pou Android
Now when you search for and click the install button beside Pou, it will ask you to choose an app store. We recommend Google Play , as shown above. Install Pou from Google Play.