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After downloading, please accept the displayed digital signature to be able to run Sweet Home 3D. Depending on your needs, you may also download the following files proposed in the Sweet Home 3D Download section on SourceForge. Sweet Home 3D installer is available under two versions, both bundled with a private copy of Java: a free version available at SourceForge.

Sweet Home 3D installer is available under two versions: a free version available at SourceForge. Then double-click on the file you'll have downloaded, and run Sweet Home 3D application found in the opened folder. Under Linux: Uncompress the downloaded file and run SweetHome3D application found in the uncompressed directory, possibly using this tip to launch it with a double click under Ubuntu. To install Sweet Home 3D, move the uncompressed directory in the one of your choice or read this article to create a launcher.
License Legal notice Contact eTeks. Download Sweet Home 3D installer Sweet Home 3D installer is available under two versions, both bundled with a private copy of Java: a free version available at SourceForge. Windows installer. Linux bit installer. Run the downloaded installation program, and follow the instructions from the installation wizard.
Uncompress the downloaded file and run SweetHome3D application found in the uncompressed directory, possibly using this tip to launch it with a double click under Ubuntu. Clicking on the previous link will automatically download and launch Sweet Home 3D. Choose to open the SweetHome3D. Each zipped file of the section SweetHome3D-models contains a double-clickable SH3F file describing additional 3D models created by contributors for the furniture catalog of Sweet Home 3D. Read Libraries of 3D models section for more information.
Textures libraries.
Each zipped file of the section SweetHome3D-textures contains a double-clickable SH3T file describing additional textures created by contributors for the textures catalog of Sweet Home 3D. No programming skills required! Supported triggers: Entry Created - Trigger is run when an entry is created. Field Value Changed - Trigger is run when an entry's field value changes.
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Supported actions: Create Entry - Creates a new entry. Update Entry - Update the values of specific fields in an entry. Find an Entry - Finds an entry by field values. Our Zapier integration is currently in beta. That means it will not show up on the Zapier website at the moment and you will need an invitation link in order to try out the integration. If you're interested in joining the beta then please send request to support mementodatabase.
In your email, please provide the your username. View Sorting, grouping and filtering entries by any fields; Memento can display your data in form of a list, table, on a map, and even in a calendar. Synchronization Synchronization with Google Sheets. Memento Cloud Online catalog of library templates. Over templates available; All your data can be stored in the cloud. You can provide access to your data to other users;. Security Memento lets you restrict the access to libraries by using password protection, as well as encrypt entries using AES The current version is 1.
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How can I manage my information stored in Memento Cloud? Contact Have questions or concerns about Memento and privacy? Get an array of Entries in a library. Create a new entry on a Library. Update the contents of a Entry. Added automatic ProGuard support for the aapt -G flag.
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This change causes the build system to generate a temporary ProGuard keep-rules file containing classes that are referenced from XML files such as custom views and pass this to ProGuard at shrink time. This can make the resulting APK much smaller when using just a small portion of a large library project such as the Android Support library , since the catch-all rules to keep all custom views from the default ProGuard configuration file have also been removed. Added two ProGuard configuration files for use in projects: proguard-android-optimize. SDK Manager Improved caching to reduce downloading of repository definitions.
Bug fixes: Build Fixed problem where test projects did not have access to the full classpath of tested projects, including Library Projects and third-party jars.
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Fixed deployment logic so that applications with embedded tests can now be deployed and tested like test applications, including code coverage information. Fixed Ant support for testing projects with libraries. Bug fixes: Fixed an issue that prevented some developers from running the emulator with GPU acceleration. General notes: Updated the SdkController app to encapsulate both sensor and multitouch emulation functionality. General notes: Emulator Added support for hardware accelerated graphics rendering. Added experimental support for multi-touch input by enabing the emulator to receive touch input from a USB-tethered physical Android device.
In addition to many new features, this update fixes the Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1 error some users have experienced. Updated the default proguard. Split the ProGuard configuration file has been in half, with project specific flags kept in project and the generic Android flags distributed and updated with the tools themselves.
Build Added a feature that allows you to run some code only in debug mode. You can check the BuildConfig. DEBUG constant in your code to run debug-only functions. Fixed issue when a project and its libraries include the same jar file in their libs folder. This URI is replaced with the app specific one at build time. Lint Updated Lint to check Android application code. Lint rules which previously performed pattern based searches in the application code such as the unused resource check have been rewritten to use the more accurate Java-style parse trees. Added support for checking library projects.
This change means that rules such as the unused resource check properly handle resources declared in a library project and referenced in a downstream project.
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Added ability to suppress Lint warnings in Java code with the new SuppressLint annotation, and in XML files with the new tools: namespace and ignore attribute. You can use the new TargetApi annotation to suppress warnings when the code is wrapped in a system version condition. General notes: Added Lint tools to detect common errors in Android projects. Bug fixes: Snapshots now work for Android 4. Fixed several small issues for the build file.
Issue , Issue , Issue , Issue Bug fixes: Fixed emulator crash on Linux due to improper webcam detection Issue Fixed emulator issue when using the -wipe-data argument. Fixed ant test Issue Fixed android update project Issue Fixed issue with MonkeyRunner Issue General notes: Added webcam support to Android 4. Webcam support is for Windows and Linux only. Mac support will come in a later release.
Changed default. Any existing projects that you build with Ant must be updated with the android update project command. Changed Ant build.
Annotation processor arguments
For a list of Ant commands, see the Ant Command Reference. Changed how library projects are built. Improved incremental builds, so that resource compilation runs less frequently. Builds no longer run when you edit strings or layouts unless you add a new id and no longer run once for each library project. General notes: Fix compilation issue in Ant dex step when paths have spaces. Fix issue in emulator installation when paths have spaces. Fix issue when AVD paths have spaces. Fix rendering issue when using emulator scaling see more.
General notes: Miscellaneous emulator changes to support Android 3. General notes: The default ProGuard configuration, proguard. The default encoding for the javac Ant task is now UTF For details on the improvements, see the Android Tools Project Site. Early look at the new snapshot feature: To improve startup time for the emulator, you can enable snapshots for the system state. The emulator will then restore to the state when it last closed almost instantly. Note: The snapshot feature is still under active development and might not always perform as expected.