Adobe touch app plugins windows
I am tired of being made to look a fool in my team, my company and my community. There is NO REASON to kill an app before you gave it time to fine an audience or invested anything in learning from launching a new product to refine it into a success. I have been a long time supported of Adobe and I really fed up with such obvious disregard for your customers and their work.
They make me look more than an under cover Adobe sales rep, than someone who tries to help users find their ways with creative tools.
Adobe Touch App Plugins - Should I Remove It?
If you value our input please give us time to give it on issues like this. Many people, including me, have taken the time to post and share out thoughts on this. Please listen to your community. Adobe is loosing customers doing this kind of stuff to people they really need to pull it together look at all these passed off people who adobe bring back these apps give them a chance. I yiu owe this to the people. Eingestanzt werden […]. As a User Group Manager, I organized a Touch Apps Workshop just 9 months ago, where Sally Cox did a great job of introducing this software and getting people excited about it.
I was just starting to use Proto for some new client work, and now this. Here today, gone tomorrow…. Adobe, I think you can do better. This seems to be a more and more common move by Adobe, as they are constantly missing the mark. Anyone else think Adobe is preying on the irrational loyalty of their target demographic?
Call it what it is. Adobe, get your shit together. There should be an absolute uproar from people who bought these products either requesting their money back, or better yet, calling for a class action suit. Very bad move, Adobe. I only discovered this after the Christmas break as I was stepping back from work.
And now I find these are the only two left that are going to be supported.. Despite there being Android tablets that have true pressure sensitive styluses and not fat crayon-shaped sticks or scratchy discs. I suppose I should count myself lucky I managed to install them before you pulled the plug, as any attempt to pull them down on a second Android device fails as they are no longer available. How about you focus on making the apps that people have invested in better, instead of expecting us to come back and pay for different apps further down the line?
I just bought Adobe Proto a month ago and was so excited about using the app to mock up websites and this happens???? Bad move!! The iPad version can send files to your email. Here is my ultimate question: Is there a way that I can send the. I used to have time, because i used Proto for wireframing and it saved me lots of time. The creative and development community will reward you. Remember Apple and their own maps? Very disappointed in the news that Proto and many of the other touch apps are going away. As a version 1, Proto was pretty amazing and I was really waiting for version 2.
Since Proto seems to be the app that most people are complaining about, why not make the source code available for others to pick up the ball? Hopefully, Mockflow will create native apps or Adobe has something behind the curtain that will make the Edge apps mobile friendly. That convinced me to buy the app, but it was not in the App Store anymore.
And how about the deal to buy 3 Touch Apps and get a free month of Creative Cloud?
Where are my apps?
Cancelled without any notice. I was actually all set to buy it, I got tired of waiting for the 1. One of my biggest hurtles with designing websites was in the layout, which is why Proto is so invaluable to me. I sincerely hope you reconsider your very poor judgment in this case. I have completely integrated collage, ideas, and proto into my design workflow and have come to rely on its portable-fast-intuitive application.
I am sad that these have been pulled. I will be reluctant to start over again with a new direction unless it improves on the touch app experience. Certainly not if you expect me to reinvest resources in replacement, with the now real possibility, that you will shelve technology without thought of that cost to the user. Did you make a deal will Apple to cut cut out the Android tablets?
Just started on a website project today and had remembered that Adobe made Proto, which many people seemed to like. Went looking for it, found this instead. Huge let down Adobe. This is insane!!! I work as Information architect and teach at Universidad El Bosque, so I prefer a way to get it again! At least I can get a refund.
Refocusing our Touch App Development
I just found Proto and it sounded fantastic for leveraging the iPad for quick wireframing. I agree with what another commenter said about releasing the source code as open source or at least allowing people to buy the app. Did the guy who got fired from Apple for getting rid of Google Maps come to work for you guys? It sure sounds like it. Am I right here? As a fairly new creative cloud member.. I was really looking forward to using Proto.. Proto looks really great.. I have so many older code websites that I need to replace and make brand new fresh ones with responsive design..
I really hope you will further develop it.. These types of applications really help productivity.. Thank you! I would have bought this and the whole set of ipad pps. What a great set. If I can be added to some kind of list to be notified once you have developed the product to your satisfaction I would be very grateful. Please bring back Adobe Ideas for the Android! This is such a shame. I just would like to express my disappointment to this choice nothing new to other users as it seems.
Adobe, just anwser these few questions. And last, as I know, Android users have grown in numbers to the same level if not even more to iOs users, so why the hell do you prefer continuing development of apps like Ideas yes, I am an Illustrator!!! Very sorry for that. At least I hope you have a very brilliant idea for all those users you cut out..
Sad news, but I am holding back complete panic, I hope you are working on alternatives. In the meantime…. Adobe Collage is my very favorite iPad App, I use it daily and I until recently when I realized it was no longer available evangelized Collage to all my friends and creative colleagues. Adobe Collage makes my iPad do exactly what I hoped it could do when I purchased it, but I had to wait until you released your App for this functionality… and now you have pulled it.
Please know that the ability to pull images from the Internet and quickly arrange them on a page is vital for visual thinkers, researchers, and is a splendid way to pull and arrange ideas to communicate concepts to others. My fingers are crossed that my purchased copy of Collage will continue to work until you come up with something better… but for now, please know I am very happy with it just as it is and I am a little surprised that you have cheated potential customers out of using it until you have come up with something you deem better.
Feel cheated, want a refund. If you refund my purchases…no problem…otherwise, we have a trust issue. Adobe, late last year, announced that a number of touch apps would be discontinued on the Android platform. Adobe, it seams as though everyone is disagreeing with the move you just made. Will your users get a free month of Creative Cloud as a sorry? For a multi billion dollar company those iOS apps you canned are probably like the cost of a cup of coffee. Do you not stand behind your products?
Is your testing insufficient? Does adobe charge full price for a final product that would never have been released if developed by another company. These questions are fundamental in business. I will not purchase Creative Cloud for my Team until I have assurance from Adobe and its irate clients that a succesful resolution has been reached.
There seems to be a lot of shift in what you actually get with Creative Cloud. And, not everyone wants to pay for the master collection — even if you do get cloud storage and training. CLP are your biggest customers. Some of this almost seems like you are TRYING to piss customers off, I was really excited about the touch apps, granted they never worked like they should have, but none the less you had great potential in them. I for one was wanting Kuler for my iPhone, snapping colors on the go or at client meetings to use in projects just seemed like a no-brainer awesome feature.
Proto and Collage where on their way to being those automatic apps you buy when you get a tablet, I was actually proud of you as a company for making content creation apps for tablets. I finally decide to purchase an ipad mini and this , Adobe collage was the biggest reason i decided to make the leap, as many of my favourite apps do work on my ipod touch. I have bought all the touch apps.
Today I found out that ideas, kuler, proto, debut snd collage are suspended. I invested in the apps because I loved the idea and the concept of all touch apps.
At present I am totally disappointed because i had high hopes for futher development and enhancemrnts of all touch apps, I still use ideas on a daily basis for sketching. I mean — i feel somehow discriminated when ios gets additional layers and support and android user will be left behind??. Furthermore — even if development will be discontinued — why removing the apps from playstore without any notice to registered customers i do use abo of adobe cloud.
In the latest debacle, I bought a Creative Cloud subscription, akin to volunteering to be the victim in Russian Roulette. Since May, I never know if the cloud applications will actually work or not. They still refuse to reimburse me for software downtime. Try to get support for Cloud, and you wind up in knowledgebase hell. Apparently Adobe figured that employees hanging out on forums would resolve the issues.
I have just two words for them: Quark Xpress. Why is it that Adobe continues to talk about the exciting possibilities and advantages of cross-platform design and development especially in the mobile space , and then stops supporting Android touch apps?
Creative Cloud is starting to look less and less appealing if Android users are going to be left out in the cold. We need vector drawing that integrates with Illustrator. Ideas had it, but was abandoned without warning. Creative Cloud just got a lot less attractive, as has supporting Adobe in the future. Well moving forward is one thing but taking the apps away entirely in the meantime is still a horrible business move.
I was going to post an insightful and sympathetic comment about this, but I pulled it to write something more venemous. I bought the program. My android bricked. Is there any way that I can still access the app? If you post issues like this in the forum, http: Between abandoning Android users and not delivering promised functions to paying customers why am I still using Adobe? Plain simple truth is I have no other choice. And as a user long before they were taken over by Adobe I think they are great.
The problem arises only if you start thinking about tomorrow. I used to sync between Android, iPad, iPhone and Mac and was a happy customer. Now, this is unbelievable. Will remove Adobe from my workflow, bit by bit whenever possible and never again go for any new Adobe product on any device. And btw.: Others have figured that out long ago. This is totally unfair. Just saying. These apps have most definitely proven useful in professional workflow and I am very disapointed with this decision. What you choose is a cowards way. Once you start supplying a need like in Proto, which feeds everyones desire to mock up with touch interface, you are no longer supplying a need, you are also creating a new desire to do the things that way.
You should inspire us by giving us perfect tools not block our creativity. As an illustrator, I was just about to buy a Galaxy Note I was really excited about drawing with the Note and Ideas and the idea of using cloud for everything…. I was actually considering buying a tablet because of these apps and now they are gone.
Your mobile software page on adobe. This means I will not have any choice but to turn to your competitors for vector based illustration software, unless you provide an alternative. So, now that there are only 2 mobile apps in the app store now, the touch apps are not part of the cloud anymore? You are correct, the free months credit after purchasing three apps offer went away when we discontinued some of the apps. References to the offer were removed from the Adobe website since it no longer applied.
The topic was discussed on the Adobe users forums but not the Adobe website. Seems like Adobe will be the Nokia of mobile apps. They may come up with great stuff, but way too late. Thus, ultimately, they will continue to lag behind others forever. Refund or make it available for download please. Like Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Muse, and etc. I knew there were issues when updates came for the iPad but not Android. Maybe Adobe should give the app to someone else where development could be continued and features like saving to Dropbox or SD could be added.
Rather than free updates like many apps seem to follow, new versions could be sold and then a profitable market might exist. Until all this CLoud focus, this model seemed to work. This really sucks. I enjoyed working with Adobe Proto and had included it as part of my design process. As I have become more familiar with Proto, I have been eagerly awaiting the release of other Adobe apps for the iPad. The fact that Proto will no longer be developed is very disappointing.
I guess that assumption was flawed.

The search for an adequate replacement begins…. As a graphic designer i bought the Galaxy Note Fantastic product and the pen is super useful. I was looking forward to using Ideas in combination with the S-pen, and unaware of the decision of adobe pulling Ideas out of the android market. Within the S-note application there is enough freedom to sketch around and even do collages to develop concepts, so for now this it will do great. Hope Adobe comes with new touchapps soon. Would even be cool if you could develop a S-pen touchapp. Damn, I was really looking forward for Adobe Proto on Windows 8 tablets.
Any chance you will be making a touch app that would be similar to what Proto does in the future? Its really stupid to take them out of the markets… leave them there for 2 or 3 years with the warning that they are not supported anymore… but let the people decide if they are worth or not and still download them in new devices.
I mean really. The Proto app needed an update to make it more useful. But instead you kill it?
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Not a bad, its good to updating and connecting with us through the forums. Proto is my primary motivation for using the Creative Cloud. I tried the U. Others may have other app priorities, but also have no alternative choices. You indicate that we should go to the forums for support. I have questions posted 5 months and 4 months ago without a single reply.
These were simple questions about the specifications of the program and how to use it. What is the plan for Adobe to refund us our money for apps that were in the process of development and purchased not for their present capabilities but promised capabilities? They never did function effectively as advertised by Adobe. I thought Adobe would take more effort in developing touch based tools… I would really pay for these kind of tools. How embarrassing! Sounds like a great program. Pity Adobe gave up on it and too many other touch apps before their full potential was realized.
PS and AI remain desktop standards for so much in digital graphics. But the tablets are catching up. Will Adobe be able to retain its significant edge in the market if it so bungles its touch screen apps? It was out already done and out there. Adobe could work on Proto v2 in the background. Not sure who is making decisions at Adobe in regards to the android platform but to discontinue Ideas for Android was a bad move.
I purchased an android tablet Unfortunately theres no Ideas illustrator for it. Same as Joel. I just bought my Samsung Note and discovered Ideas was not there anymore. Adobe, are you mad? I am disappointed that you are discontinuing Proto. Very useful tool for quickly mocking up a site. This is a Joke, no? And now they just disappeard from the play-Store. You gotta be kidding, Adobe. I can live with out Collage or Proto,…. So no taking that one away! Mountain Lion is the most buggy OSX yet and IOS is terrible and extremely limited limited only so they can keep slowly rolling out features they created when Jobs was still around.
The Android platform is much more open and therefore more capable of advancements by third party developers. I hope Adobe develops a good host of Android apps soon. Just stumbling across this announcement. After a fruitless search for a vector drawing app for my Nexus 7 in Google Play I came across an article from last Nov: Super, but there was nothing in Google Play. Where did all these greats apps go??
I want to sketch an idea just before I go to sleep, right there in bed. Letting the muse catch us wherever we are and making it just permanent enough to finish up on the desktop? It seems like Adobe may be trying to think up some other way to make money out of us and these cheap little apps were too powerful for our creative juices.
Who would ever want to go back to sitting at a computer to develop if you could do it anywhere? And I am willing to pay for any upgrades to make it more stable. The message I get from this is to not jump on new releases too soon. Adobe will have a hard time convincing me to purchase new products and upgrades. I am definitely going to just wait and see for a year or so. And I used to be all excited about new upgrades. OK, so Adobe released most of the Touch apps exclusively on Android, despite two obvious factors that they must have known would severely limit adoption:. Android apps is very much paid vs.
Rotate two fingers around the center of the line connecting them. You may, this way, pan and rotate the canvas. Tap once with five fingers to cycle through the three application display screen modes, including full screen. Double-tap two fingers on the tablet surface to reset the view to an unrotated transform that nearly fills the document canvas.
Double-tap with two fingers again to restore the view to its previous state. Move three fingers rapidly from right to left. The document view moves back one step in the change history. Move three fingers rapidly from left to right. The document view moves forward one step in the change history. Move three fingers from right to left or from left to right. The document view moves continuously through the entire change history.
Photoshop now features an updated UI. Previous versions don't work in Photoshop CS5. Texture Fill. Plug-ins supported only in bit Windows and Mac OS. Plug-ins available via web download—supported in and bit Windows and Mac OS. Plug-ins available via web download—supported in and bit Mac OS. Plug-ins installed in CS5, optional in previous versions. Other changes. Tool presets are no longer backward compatible. Also supported as a bit application on bit Mac OS with scanners that support bit scanner drivers. Legacy droplets not supported in Mac Rosetta required to run droplets.
How to run Photoshop CS5 in bit and bit modes.