Bay of holy spirit revival mobile alabama
Sam is a bit like me. He really does not like people nor trust them when he meets them. So they were trying to pray for Sam, who was busy pushing hands away as hard as he could. I couldn't help but laugh! If Sam gets healed, it will have to be a God thing. He really can't stand the traditional "laying on of the hands"!!!!! To be honest, they gave up on him, which did kinda tick me off! I feel like if you are saying there is healing going on, then push on through whatever you have to to see it happen! So he was very responsive to the guy and was grinning from ear to ear.
The evangelist did spend some time praying for Shad and asked us a few questions about his eyes, in a nice way. Neither boy "got healed" but I felt I was obedient in taking them. I felt God had wanted me to take them and I did. I trust God for them. Although of course I'd love to see my boys both healed and whole on this earth, I know that life is short and eternity is long and that they will be healed for all eternity.
I can trust God in that.
Bay Revival - Wikipedia
I still do not know if God heals on this earth, but I trust Him whether He chooses to or not! I'm just being honest here, not trying to be disrespectful or anything like that When we returned to our seat with the boys, I felt like we had "failed" in the eyes of some around us. No one said anything to us, that is just how I felt.
No one else got a healing either but we were sitting in the pastor's section and there were some real "excitable' folks around us The sermon was good, really right on, nothing weird or off at all. Jon was touched but ya'll know he's a bit open Steve on the other hand is more like me and he felt someone tried to push him over So although there was some things that made me uncomfortable, I know God's presence and I did feel it.
The next day we had fun, Jon took the boys to a Civil War site and I met an old high school friend for lunch. We had such a good time talking that I was running behind getting across town to meet them for the service. And to be honest, I really didn't want to go.
Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival
I was too conflicted from the night before and the only reason I went was we were so far from home, felt like I might as well go since I'd put that much effort in to going I sat and held Sam through the worship which was good. Then there was a testimony time when people were allowed to share what God had done for them. There were several reports of healing but to be honest, they weren't that convincing. It bothered me that people came forward with stories of healing but not medical documentation or even their pastor who could attest to the story.
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For example if Sam was healed there, obviously the leadership doesn't know us. However all they'd have to do to confirm the story is to call our local leadership and ask them about Sam. Same way in a local church if someone got healed, everyone would know their background and could tell a difference. Well I think in situations like that, you shouldn't just have everyone up telling their stories without documentation or at least their pastor's confirming the story.
In this day and age someone could get up and say all kinds of stuff and be a "spy" from some network show out to make fun Anyhow there were several stories shared, I don't know what was real and what was emotionalism I've seen it happen to good people who wanted to be healed so badly that they'd "confess" they were healed because they felt something emotionally.
They didn't mean anything bad by it, they were just stirred up They weren't healed anymore and couldn't understand it Anyhow I wasn't comfortable with the testimony time. The sermon was really good that night and something very curious happened about halfway through the sermon.
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I handed Sam over to Steve thinking maybe it was from holding him for so long. Then I really began to shake. I tried and tried to fight it but it was uncontrollable. At the conclusion of the sermon, a general altar call was given. Of course Jon went down.
Bay Revival
Well I was fighting the whole shaking thing and I didn't want anyone to notice me so I went down, off to the side out of the way. By that time, I was shaking all over. Doctors reveal the real reason behind why these food additives are not banned in the U. You are here: Home U. Please follow these guidelines before commenting on our website: Please be considerate and respectful of your fellow posters.
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It was during the Church's "Open the Heavens Conference" that the revival phenomenon was claimed by those in attendance to have returned; it was reported to have taken place whilst Nathan Morris was preaching during the final night of the event, on July Subsequently, the meetings at the Daphne Civic Center were extended and continued to be held each weekend, attracting people from across America and other countries. As people claimed to be healed, the Bay Revival became the focus of media attention. The Huffington Post observed that thousands of people from across the USA attended the meetings, "having been spurred on by viral Internet videos".
Many people have claimed to be healed through the Bay Revival, posting their stories on the Internet and YouTube. The most publicized of these is Delia Knox, a well known Gospel singer who was paralyzed for The video of her being prayed for by Nathan Morris has received over , hits on YouTube. The story was covered in a UK national newspaper, Daily Mail , in an article entitled 'It's a miracle!

After 23 years in a wheelchair, woman walks again and says it is all down to spiritual healing'. The Channel 7 report also contains footage of Delia meeting her parents who were amazed to see her walking again. The preaching of the Bay Revival focuses on calling people back to holy living with an emphasis on "the Blood of Jesus" and "the Cross".
Having turned from a life of addiction, Nathan Morris encourages people to follow his example and turn to God. That's what Revival is all about. The Bay Revival has developed its own distinct sound with original songs written and performed by Lydia Stanley, who has released two albums: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.