Android 4.4 wiko cink peax
Pls help I only have plus contact. I deleted 2 devices, still getting the same failure message, "The number of data items for free account has been exceeded 7 days ago. It can take few minutes until the account is unlocked. My contacts are less than hundred but keeps failing to synchronize. Already deleted excess sms. Can you confirmar what is thw problema? Hi, when you delete items from blocked account it can take tens of minutes until your account is unlocked. Now it is free again.
Then you have to fix your phone first. Please contact your servis or operator. When your phone will be connected, you can use PhoneCopy. I am trying to sync my contacts to a new samsung phone. I have contacts and deleted. It still says I am over the allowed amount and that sync has been disabled. Can i get sync re enabled without paying for the premium version?
Please delete unused devices to have maximally 2 now you have 13 devices assigned to your profile. Devices can be managed on following page: In any android phone I prefer to save contacts in my mail id, it enables me to get all data including contact while switching to new device. The issue is to tranfer contacts between old multumedia mobiles. I have contacts data in my mail id also.
Please guide me, i dont want to tyoe it again gokul. Hi, please check our guide: Hi, I reinstalled the app and it now works. Thanks for all the help. I have phone copy premium and when I press synchronise it won't work. I have wifi and mobile data on and still nothing. I've restarted the phone and it hasn't helped.
We have 2 Samsung phones registered, both are the same make and model. The one that isn't working was last synchronise on Tuesday 12th at Hello, does the app show any error message after pressing Synchronize button? Have you tried to re-install the app? No error message, it says checking items on phone copy. No I haven't tried to re install the app, will it work if I do this? I'm confused about why the other phone linked to phone copy works fine?
Hello, maybe the app got into some unusual state. Try to re-install it to avoid this possibility. If is does not help, we will forward this problem to our Android staff. Hi I reinstalled the app and it works, thanks for all the help. You are correct, it should work correctly. Your account is not blocked. Which phone doesn't work for you? We can see last synchronization from Samsung two days ago.
Is it that Samsung which doesn't work now? We don't see any error message which seems to be related to communication problem of your phone. Can you, please, restart it first to be sure. I can not get mobile network on my phone Sumsung galaxy note - model SM-NA and it show a "no network icon while I can access mobile data on the same phone what is wrong and how to correct this? Sorry this is not question for PhoneCopy. Check service or operator's shop.
[Q] Wiko Cink Peax 2
Is there a way to sync contacts from the desktop version of phonecopy? At login, I receive message " When does server not accept logins? Hi, main problem should be your account is blocked as you exceeded number of SMS stored in your profile. And now i want just to download them in my new android phone samsung note 5. Please help me???? Please check following guide: I lost all my contacts and these in phonecopy are all I have. As we wrote you via email you exceeded number of SMS in your profile which was a reason why your account was blocked.
Now you solved it by yourself. I just obtained an Oppo F1 unit and unfortunately this device is not yet supported by PhoneCopy. I tried to synchronize it but I ran into several failures. A nearly successful synch resulted in incomplete sms downloads and furthemore, the mobile numbers on these sms do not associate with the names in the phone directory. I have tried getting help from customer service but it appears they could not resolve this. I don't know how long it takes for PhoneCopy to include a device in its listing. I see a lot of Oppo models in that list but it appears the F1 model is taking months.
Answered via private email. When I try to create an account from the phone Phonecopy closes unexpectedly - leading to Force Close. If I create an account through a PC this one and try to log in the same problem happens. I am using WiFi. Is that the problem? Can you solve this please.
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Hello, usage of Wifi could not be the problem. Answered via personal email. Please use "Forgot Password or Username" link which you will find on the home page. I finish creating an account and downloading the app. But I don't see the sync option in Infinix X Hi, what part of following guide doesn't work for you? Accidentally my contacts are deleted from servers too.. You can follow this guide to recover deleted contacts directly from your phone: You can restore all your deleted contacts from Deleted contacts folder which you will find in your online profile at www.
I am not able to synchronize. Appreciate your help here. Do I need to do a One Way sync? The number of data items for free account has been exceeded 7 days ago. Please reduce number of items on website. Appreciate your help to enable my account. But you have 4 devices in your profile and free account allows 2 only. Please delete at least two devices to fit limits for free account.
It can take several minutes to unlock your profile. Now i checked the profile and it is not blocked anymore. Whenever I open Contacts it takes lot of time to open.
Wiko Cink Peax 2
Hi, this seems to be firmware problem of your phone and it is not related to PhoneCopy. Hi, to get contacts synchronized back to your phone please follow our guide https: I reset my phone before some days After that i couldn't retrieve my contacts from SD card Hello I recently almost ended up purchasing the Premium only I can not even use your Free version to synchronise the free contacts and SMSs from my Google Accounts.
I have over plus contacts and SMSs. To make matters worse I need to test if your process works prior to purchasing the Premium edition however I do not know if Huawei P8 Max is compatible as I can not see it clearly on your list. Can you email me to ellieroya2 gmail. Replied via email. We can helo you only in case you used PhoneCopy before reboot. Sorry, your request is not related to PhoneCopy at all. I exceed the limit by contacts,I have not transferred to my andriod yet. Will I be able to move contacts to my andriod? Hi, you can delete 41 on server, then you account will be unlocked and you will be able to synchronize contacts.
When you will exceed number of contacts again, your account will be automatically blocked again. Free account is provided for personal purposes with limit of contacts. Almost nobody has personal contacts. If you are using phonecopy for business purposes or you installed it to business mobile phone, you should buy Premium.
My phone copy app on my LG G Stylo doesn't down load my contacts from the server on to my phone. Please contact our support team and we will solve the problem. I had an iPhone and now changed to Kazam tornado but I'm not receiving all my texts from my contacts but they are receiving mine. Sorry, can you explain how is your request related to PhoneCopy. Sorry, but we don't synchronize notes on android yet. Not "Failed to send" but it just sits there saying "Sending" for every text message I try to send.
I have to delete all of the "Sending" messages and reboot the phone before I can start sending text messages again. Hi, is your request related to PhoneCopy? We can help with PhoneCopy problems only. How do I change the password to unlock my screen? Sorry we are not support for general android questions. We can help you with PhoneCopy issues only.
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To synchronize contacts back please follow our guide https: Hi, it is a problem based on device firmware. We can't influence it. We can offer for synchronization only accessible data. Hello, my HTC salsa will not register my contacts, it registers all previous sms, can you please advise what am I doing wrong? Hello, we detected that you performed a succesfull sync with contacts on at It looks like that your issue is gone. Is it right? Does not support Nexus 5 Marshmallow. Might want to change your supported Lillipop to Lollipop. My Moto E2 is not detecting the contacts in my SIM card but, the same are displayed or being detected in other mobiles please help me solve the problem Hello, please, can you specify if your Motorola can not see your SIM contacts or you can not see them in PhoneCopy application.
We can help you only with the second case. In the first case, contact your Motorola support. Good day! I would just like to ask if the private sms will also be backed up when we do "Back up SMS" from the Messaging? Would appreciate if anyone could answer my concern. Thank you.. Hello, it depends on whether the private sms is saved as a other common sms or it is stored in a special private storage.
PhoneCopy backs up only sms saved in standard way. I have a Samsung S Duos I installed phonecopy app and I already register also.. Then I synced my contacts to my phonecopy account so what I need to know is how to restore my synced contacts to my phone back now when I loose my phone memory.??. Please show me steps.. Hello, just set up the phone in the same fashion as you did before.
After first sync, it is possible that the contacts go to Deleted items on the server. Restore them at https: Hello, if do not have any other backup, you can try to restore all contacts stored at PhoneCopy, using PhoneCopy application.
Hello, just uninstall PhoneCopy as any other Android app. I uninstall PhoneCopy but the contacts were still showing that the numbers are saved in phonecopy,I want to remove that? Hello, is this question related to Android app? I can see that you have one Windows Phone mobile connected to your PhoneCopy account. If you want to remove PhoneCopy contacts from your Windows Phone cellphone, do following: Go to People app.
Press the three dots in the right bottom corner and pick settings. On the bottom of the settings menu, there is a list of connected accounts. You will find PhoneCopy there. Long tap the PhoneCopy account and choose delete. This will remove all the contacts downloaded from PhoneCopy to your phone. If you also want to remove all your data from PhoneCopy service, visit https: Hi , I have my contacts on mail. How can i sync those on to my new phone. Please suggest.
Hi what is the format of your contacts? We can easily import vCard which is. It is not in supported devices. Any ideas? Hi, it is supported now. What error message you are receiving? No more error message. It works fine. I recently reset my LG-E to its factory settings.
I am trying to get a google account with my fresh set up. However, it has refused citing that my password and username are not the matching. When I log in to my gmail, I find an email informing me that I was trying to login through an insecure app. I am trying to login through Gmail or Playstore. What should I do now? I want to get apps back to my phone. It looks your request is not related to PhoneCopy. We provide contacts backup, synchronization and transfer only. This is not technical support of your phone. I have deleted all my contact when I was setting my phone application manager so I have cleared the data from there, then all of my contact were gone, I want to get my contact back from my account so how can I do this.
Hi, there is Single directional synchronization feature in the android applicaton which can be used to synchronize contacts FROM server to Device. Hi copied contacts from my samsung device to iphone and merged both data from phone and server but after synchronization lost contacts on my iphone.

Hi, you can restore it to new phone. SIM card has limited memory. Hi I was using lg l7. I have backup data in my sd card. I bought new panasonic p How can i restore tgat lg data in new phone?? Please check our guide http: Format is. If you still have old LG i recommend you to make new backup. If you don't have it we can only recommend to search internet discussions if there is way to convert it for example to.
My account has only 65 contacts saved on the phone copy server and hence have not exceeded the free account limit. Recently i lost my old phone samsung galaxy s3 so today i tried to synchronize the contacts from phone copy server to a my new phone Motorolla Droid Razor But when I try syncronizing, it gives an error message "The number of data items for free account has been exceeded 7 days ago". Please guide me in this regard. But you have more than thousand SMS stored on your account which is reason why your account exceeded number of data items.
When you will delete SMS to keep it less than your account will be unlocked. Sorry, we can't help you. If you made contact backup you can trasfer it to another phone. ANY help would be appreciated. YOU may email me also Hi, we expect your main computer is Windows PC. Then please follow our guide. For Android please follow https: Hi, My account has only contacts and hence have not exceeded the free account.
But when I try syncronizing it gives an error message "The number of data items for free account has been exceeded 7 days ago". Pls guide with the next steps. We found more than contacts on your account. Hi, on the android devices you can set visibility of each data source which contain contacts. Please check if you have correctly set visibility of contacts. Hi, it is not related to PhoneCopy only. It is general settings of your android phone.
It depends of your phone vendor. On each phone in the settings there is contact settings and there you can set which contacts will be visible. No, there is not a way to upload messages to iPhone at all. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Sign up for a new account in our community.
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This article explains how to use hidden Google Maps caching feature to save offline maps and to use them with My Tracks when 3G data connection is not available. It has been tested on a Nexus 4 running Jelly Bean 4. It should work on any Android device running latest version of Google Maps. If you are having a SFR Illimythics or Carre unlimited data plan, you must have realized that the standard Android Wifi Hotspot is almost unusable with your other devices. You can connect to your Wifi Hotspot but all the pages are blank! This comes from the fact that operators like SFR decided to block internet connection sharing by analysing all the data you send and by checking the User Agent declared by your browser.
If the User Agent is known and accepted by the operator, the packet is carried. If not it is simply dropped. You will then get a blank page on your browser. With a Postal comparison, its like if your postal service is starting to read every letter you send and decides to carry it or not according to what you have written! Unbelievable … but true. This behaviour comes from the business model mobile operators are trying to build: When they sell you an unlimited 3G mobile data plan for your smartphone, they want to sell you a second one for your tablet, a third one for your laptop, … This is highly logical as everybody knows that with two hands and two eyes you can surf on four devices at the same time!
Hopefully, this can be circumvented with a very simple tool: This article explains the simple steps needed to be able to bypass SFR User Agent filtering which blocks connexion sharing. It works with any device running Firefox browser. You will then be able to use Android inbuilt Wifi Hotspot feature as it was always supposed to be used. Google Nexus 7 is the real today's travellers tablet, as it's size is perfect to carry it everywhere. But it only offers Wifi connectivity, which can be too limited when you are on the move. If you have the chance to follow one of the excellent CiLevel executive training course, this is the tablet you will get as a T-Book.
Mine was ICS 4. The version under Jelly Bean 4. So, this article explains all the steps needed to root a Slidepad ce under ICS 4. After these steps, your will get a very nice little tablet with all the possibilities of Google Play Store Gmail, Maps, If your Slidepa ce is running JB 4. Root your tablet. If you get any success with other models, just let me know, so that I can add it in this article.
This article is published "as is", without any warranty that it will work for your specific need. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Read more: This phone come with Jelly Bean 4. Moto G - Recover from failed update to Kitkat 4. Before going further, you should do a complete backup of your phone with TWRP.
Just in case But most of the stuff you get on the net is oriented toward using Windows tools. These applications may allow you: Android - Applications for Rooted Devices. Android - Download YouTube video and convert them to mp3. But this is another story … Read more: Please note that these applications don't need to have a rooted phone. Android - Extend your Phone Battery Life. Android - Extend Application Memory of your Device. The procedure is not that simple, especially if you don't have any Windows OS under the hood. But most of the guides you get are using some tools running under Windows.
Obviously, you can do the same from an Ubuntu workstation, but all the steps are not trivial. It provides the PhotoSphere package that needs to be flashed on the top of Google Apps. Nexus S - Jelly Bean 4. It is using ADB tools and latest factory image published by Google. This PPP connexion will open a fully working internet connexion. It has been tested on Jelly Beans 4. This tablet is shipped in 2 versions: Ice Cream Sandwich 4. Slidepad ce - ICS 4.